
Unikatna vizualna podoba karakterja iz spletne igre Dota 2
ID Uršič, Jaka (Author), ID Iskra, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tehnika 3D-modeliranja ima danes velik vpliv na ljudi. Z izdelki 3D-modeliranja se srečujemo vsak dan, saj se uporablja vse od računalniških iger in filmov do aplikacij na telefonih. Programov za 3D-modeliranje je veliko, obstajajo plačljivi ter prosti, eni so specializirani za določene tehnike modeliranja, drugi pa so bolj splošni. Ena najpogostejših tehnik je poligonsko modeliranje. Za diplomsko delo bomo s pomočjo programa Blender izdelali s tehniko poligonskega modeliranja unikatno vizualno podobo za lik Huskarja iz igre Dota 2. Naloga je razdeljena v dva dela: teoretični in praktični. V teoretičnem delu na kratko opišemo igro in program, v katerem bomo modelirali, osnovne tehnike modeliranja in proces izdelave 3D-modela, in to vse od skice do končnega izdelka. V praktičnem delu pa so prikazani postopki, ki smo jih uporabljali med izdelavo, opisan je potek modeliranja predmetov, vezanje modelov na okostja, izdelava tekstur za modele in testiranje izdelanih 3D-modelov v igri. Končni izdelek diplomske naloge je pet 3D-modelov, za lik iz igre Dota 2, ki jih lahko uporabljamo v igri.

Keywords:3D-modeliranje, Blender, Dota 2, teksture, Huskar
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101551 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.06.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Unique visual of a character from the online game Dota 2
Nowadays 3D modeling has a lot of influence. Because 3D models are used everywhere from games and movies, to apps on our phones, we are exposed to them practically every day. There is a lot of 3D modeling software in existence, some are designed for specific jobs, while others are more all-rounded. One of the most commonly used 3D modelling techniques is polygonal modeling. For our thesis work, we will use Blender software and polygonal modeling to create a unique visual of a character named Huskar, used in the game Dota 2. The thesis is composed of two parts, theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part we intend to summarize the game and software we will be using. We will also quickly describe some of the techniques that are used in polygonal modeling and describe the process of creating a 3D model from sketch to completion. The practical part contains the steps of creating the final model. We will describe how we modeled the items, assigned and bound them to the character animation rig, how we created the textures and how we tested the completed models in the game. The final product of our thesis are five 3D models for a character from a game called Dota 2, which we can use in game.

Keywords:3D modeling, Blender, Dota 2, textures, Huskar

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