
Testiranje cevi oljno hidravličnega valja iz kompozitnega materiala
ID Vesel, Matej (Author), ID Majdič, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Naloga se ukvarja z zniževanjem lastne teže hidravličnih valjev v mobilni hidravliki z uporabo ogljikovih kompozitov. V nadaljevanju je predstavljena zasnova hidravličnega valja s kompozitno cevjo, meritve njegovih delovnih parametrov, porušitvenim in trajnostnim testom. Za testiranje smo uporabili hidravlični valj dimenzij 40 mm /22 mm x 305 mm, ter mineralno hidravlično olje ISO VG46. Vse preizkuse smo izvajali v laboratoriju za fluidno tehniko. Osnovni parametri preizkusa so bili tlak obremenitve do 60 MPa in dolžina trajnostnega testa 100 km. Analiza rezultatov pokaže da je zasnova nestandardnih komponent zmožna prenesti tlačne obremenitve, ter da je predvidena debelina cevi iz ogljikovih vlaken zmožna prenesti obremenitev. Med izvajanjem porušitvenega testa pa smo ugotovili da je trenutna zgradba kompozita nezadostna in da bi z spremembami karbonskega kompozita lahko dosegli večjo dopustno obremenitev hidravličnega valja.  

Keywords:Hidravlični valji, Ogljikovi kompoziti, Ogljikova vlakna, Lastna teža, Trajnostni testi, Notranje puščanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Vesel]
Number of pages:XXI, 49 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101499 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16104731 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.06.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Test of composite tube for use in hydraulic cylinders
The diploma thesis deals with solving weight problem in hydraulics cylinder for mobile hydraulics, by incorporating carbon polymers. Thesis covers parts design, analysis of non-standard parts and testing complete assembly of hydraulic cylinder. For testing, we choose a hydraulics cylinder with dimensions 40 mm /22 mm x 305 mm, and we used mineral hydraulics oil ISO VG46. All of the testing was done in Laboratory for fluid power and controls. Base parameters for test were system pressure up to 60 MPa and the total movment of 100 km for long term durability testing. Analasis of the non standard parts showed they would endure the stresses posed by the pressure and that the carbon-fiber cylinder should hold pressure load. While we where testing for maximum load we learned that the current structure of carbon-fiber cylinder could not hold the pressure load. To achive bigger pressure loads, further development of carbon-fiber tube would be needed.  

Keywords:Hydraulics cylinders, Carbon composites, Carbon fibers, Empty weight, Long term durability testing, Internal leaking

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