
ID GRČAR, JAN (Author), ID Ivanko, Štefan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Predstaviti lastnosti in značilnosti dobrega vodje v obravnavani organizaciji je glavni namen mojega diplomskega dela. V delu sem, poleg lastnosti in značilnosti dobrega vodje, predstavil tudi oblike motiviranja, komuniciranja, nagrajevanja in ekipnega delovanja. Vse naštete sposobnosti naj bi dober vodja za uspešno in učinkovito delovanje organizacije smiselno izpolnjeval. Ker sodobna kultura od vodje zahteva in pričakuje še mnogo več kot le vodenje in organiziranje, je za vodjo pomembno razviti tudi primeren stil vodenja. Stil vodenja naj bo primerno izbran, saj mora prisluhniti organizaciji in njenim zaposlenim. Za izpolnitev delovnih ciljev in želja je dandanes ključna tudi sposobnost navduševanja in motiviranja zaposlenih za delo. Da bi bolje razumel moč vpliva tovrstne motivacije na zaposlene, svojo diplomsko delo začnem z deskriptivno metodo. V tem delu se z izbranimi znanji oprem na podobna raziskovalna dela in na mnoge psihološke trditve in odkritja ter se tako približam sposobnostim dobrega vodje. V obravnavani organizaciji je na prvi pogled dober vodja v meni vzbudil interes za formulo do njegove uspešnosti. Želja me je navdušila, da sem vodenje vzel pod drobnogled. Da bi prišel bistvu do dna, tako uspehu kot izgubam organizacije, sem tudi sam opravil raziskavo. V empiričnem delu tako predstavim še rezultate svoje raziskovalne naloge, narejene preko kompetenčnega vprašalnika in lastnih opazovanj. Diplomsko delo me z ugotovitvami pripelje do marsikaterih zanimivih spoznanj. Menim, da je sposobnost dobrega vodenja vredno vzeti resno, saj dobro vodenje hitro obrodi sad.

Keywords:dober vodja, stili vodenja, lastnosti in značilnosti, ekipno delovanje, motiviranje in nagrajevanje, kompetence vodje, zadovoljstvo zaposlenih
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101497 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.06.2018
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Secondary language

The main objective of my dissertation is to present qualities and characteristics of a good leader in the discussed organization. In addition to the leaders qualities and characteristics, I have also presented other forms such as motivation, communication, rewarding and team building. A good leader should account for all of the above stated aspects in order to achieve a successful and effective working organization. Since modern culture demands and expects far more than just leadership and organization, it is essential for the leader to develop an appropriate leading method. The method should be choosen properly, for it must be influenced by the companies breath of life as well as employees. Nowadays the ability to enthuse and motivate employees for work is also vital for achieving working ambitions. That one may understand the influencial power of motivation of such sorts, I begin my degree paper with a descriptive method. In this part I chose to compare my selected knowledge with similar scientific works and psychological discoveries and can therefore come closer to the actual core abilities of a good leader. At first sight the good leader has peaked my interest to find the formula for his success. It inspired me so much, that I examined leadership more closely. In order to get to the bottom of things, not only the success but also the organizations' loss, I conducted a research. Based on my observations and competent questionnaire, I have presented the results of my research assignment in the empirical part. My dissertation along with the discoveries has brought me to some very interesting findings. I believe, that being a good leader is something worth taking seriously, since positive outcomes will follow after goal accomplishment.

Keywords:good leader, methods of leadership, qualities and characteristics, team building, motivation and rewarding, leader competents, employees contentment

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