
Perfekcionizem, tesnoba in depresija v odraslosti v luči povezanosti s starši v otroštvu
ID Mlakar, Tjaša (Author), ID Simonič, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava problematiko perfekcionizma v povezavi z odnosi s starši med otrokovim odraščanjem ter kasnejšim pojavom tesnobe in depresije. Teoretični del zato vključuje pregled področja perfekcionizma v povezavi s starševstvom, tesnobo in depresijo. Najprej je zajeta problematika opredelitve perfekcionizma z vidika različnih perspektiv, nato pa so predstavljene morebitne razlike v možganski strukturi, po spolu in starosti glede na prisotnost perfekcionizma. Predstavljeni so tudi različni dejavniki, ki jih je treba upoštevati pri razvoju perfekcionizma, s poudarkom na starševstvu. Sledi obravnava perfekcionizma v povezavi s posameznikovimi izkušnjami iz primarne družine ter kasnejšim pojavom tesnobe in depresije. V okviru empiričnega dela je predstavljena raziskava, katere glavni namen je bil raziskati povezanost med perfekcionizmom, posameznikovim doživljanjem odnosa s starši med odraščanjem ter kasnejšim pojavom tesnobe in depresije. Obenem so nas zanimale tudi razlike glede na spol in starost v pojavljanju perfekcionizma ter razlike po spolu glede odnosa s starši. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 454 udeležencev, ki so poleg splošnih vprašanj odgovarjali tudi na tri vključene vprašalnike (Frostovo lestvico perfekcionizma, Vprašalnik vezi s starši ter Lestvico depresije, anksioznosti in stresa). Rezultati so pokazali, da je neprilagojeni perfekcionizem povezan s pomanjkanjem ljubeče skrbi in pretirano zaščitniškim vedenjem s strani staršev ter s tesnobo in depresijo. Prav tako se je izkazalo, da je tudi prilagojeni perfekcionizem povezan s tesnobo in depresijo, medtem ko se slednji statistično pomembno ne povezuje s skrbjo ali zaščito staršev. Se pa pomanjkanje skrbi ter pretirana zaščita staršev povezujeta s pojavom tesnobe in depresije. Ugotovljeno je bilo tudi, da med spoloma ni razlik v pojavu prilagojenega in neprilagojenega perfekcionizma ter v pretirani zaščiti staršev. So pa razlike glede na starost v dimenziji prilagojenega perfekcionizma, kjer se je izkazalo, da so posamezniki v pozni adolescenci bolj perfekcionistični v primerjavi s srednjo oziroma pozno odraslostjo.

Keywords:perfekcionizem, starševstvo, skrb staršev, pretirana zaščita staršev, tesnoba, depresija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101490 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10815491 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.06.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Perfectionism, Anxiety and Depression in Adulthood in the Light of one's Bond with their Parents in Childhood
This master's thesis deals with the problems with perfectionism in relation to parental bonds during a child's upbringing and the later occurence of anxiety and depression. The theoretical part therefore includes an overview of the field of perfectionism in relation to parenting, anxiety and depression. First of all, the problems of defining perfectionism from different perspectives are covered, and then the possible differences in brain structure, gender and age regarding to the presence of perfectionism. Different factors that need to be acknowledged in the development of perfectionism are also presented, with emphasis on parenting. This will be followed by an analysis on perfectionism in relation to an individual's experience in their primary family and the later occurence of anxiety and depression. Within the empirical work, a study is presented, the main purpose of which was to investigate the correlation between perfectionism, the individual's perception of their relationship with their parents in adolescence, and the later onset of anxiety and depression. We were also interested in gender and age differences in relation to their relationship with their parents. 454 people participated in the survey, who, in addition to general questions, answered three questionnaires (Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale, Parental bonding instrument and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales). The results showed that unadapted perfectionism is correlated with a lack of loving care and over-protective behavior by parents, and with anxiety and depression. It has also been shown that adapted perfectionism is also correlated with anxiety and depression, while the latter is statistically irrelevant to the care or protection of parents. However, age differences in the realm of adapted perfectionism have shown that individuals in late adolescence are more perfectionistic compared to middle or late adulthood.

Keywords:perfectionism, parenting, parental care, excessive parental protection, anxiety, depression

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