
Meje odvetnikove zvestobe do strank
ID Gorjan, Taja (Author), ID Novak, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Poleg odvetnikove dolžnosti ohranjanja zaupnega razmerja in varovanja kot tajnosti vseh pridobljenih informacij predstavlja zvestoba stranki eno najpomembnejših etičnih zavez. Zaradi specifik odvetniškega poklica je razmerje odvetnikov s strankami do neke mere drugačno od primerljivih razmerjih drugih poklicnih strokovnjakov. Odvetniki se tekom mandatnega razmerja lahko poslužijo več različnih pristopov reševanja predočenih problemov, izbran način pa odraža, kdo v tem razmerju sprejema odločitve. Čeprav je praviloma stranka središče odvetnikovega dela in osredotočanja, lahko nad njenimi interesi prevladajo drugi interesi, ki se v danem trenutku izkažejo za pomembnejše. Poleg tega se lahko odvetnik pri prevzemu in obravnavi strank velikokrat znajde v položaju konflikta interesov, ki lahko močno poseže v dolgovano zvestobo stranki. Pri razreševanju takšnih konfliktov si mora odvetnik pomagati z relevantno zakonodajo in odvetniško poklicno etiko, ki pa dajeta zgolj ohlapen okvir, ki ne nudi vedno enoznačnih in jasnih rešitev. Odvetnik mora zato ves čas paziti na etično plat svojega poklica, biti ozaveščen o problematiki in aktivno pristopati k reševanju moralnih in etičnih dilem, v katerih se znajde, saj lahko drugače postane zgolj izvrševalec strankinih ukazov.

Keywords:zvestoba stranki, kodeks odvetniške poklicne etike, profesionalno razmerje, tipi odvetnikov, konflikt interesov, etične dileme
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101484 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16245585 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.06.2018
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Title:Boundaries of lawyer's loyalty to clients
Besides lawyer’s duty to maintain confidential relationship and to protect as secrecy all the information obtained, loyalty to the client is one of the most important ethical commitments. Lawyer's relationship with clients is somehow different from a comparable relationship of other professionals, due to the specifics of his profession. Lawyers can use a variety of approaches while solving problems, presented to them in their relationships with clients, but the chosen way reflects who in this relationship makes decisions. Although the client should be the centre of the lawyer's work and concentration, other interests that seem more important at specific moment, may override client's interests. In addition, while taking over clients and dealing with them, lawyer can often find himself in a situation of conflict of interest, which can have a great impact on the loyalty that is owed. While resolving such conflicts, a lawyer must take in mind relevant legislation and professional ethics, which, however, provide only a vague framework that does not always offer unambiguous and clear solutions. A lawyer must therefore always keep an eye on the ethical side of his profession, be aware of the problematics and actively approach to the resolution of moral and ethical dilemmas in which he finds himself, otherwise he can become mere executor of the client's orders.

Keywords:loyalty to the client, code of professional conduct, professional relationship, types of lawyers, conflict of interest, ethical dilemmas

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