
Analiza in zasnova regionalne mreže oskrbe z osnovnimi dobrinami na območju Idrijsko- Cerkljanskega
ID Kostanjšek, Barbara (Author), ID Marot, Naja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zaradi vse večje mobilnosti prebivalstva in koncentriranja trgovin, pošt, bank in drugih storitev splošnega pomena v večjih središčih se povečuje odvisnost od avtomobila in se tako spreminjajo nakupovalni vzorci prebivalstva. Hkrati se podeželsko zaledje mest spoprijema z izgubo ključnih funkcij vaških naselij, ki so včasih služila kot lokalna oskrbna središča. Magistrsko delo raziskuje problematiko oskrbe z osnovnimi dobrinami na Idrijsko-Cerkljanskem, značilnosti nekdanje in današnje mreže oskrbe ter povezavo s problemom praznjenja podeželja, ki kot proces sovpada s centralizacijo storitev v večjih središčih. Raziskava zavzema zgodovinski pregled oskrbe, analizo ponudbe in povpraševanja s poudarkom na dostopnosti storitev, analizo dobrih praks in pobud za alternativne rešitve oskrbe. Za boljši prostorski vpogled je bil opravljen terenski pregled praznih objektov nekdanje oskrbe na celotnem območju, znotraj nabora vseh popisanih stavb pa so izbrani objekti s potencialom za nadaljnjo rabo. Ob pregledu prostorskih usmeritev za razvoj poselitve in smernic za umeščanje oskrbnih funkcij, ki določajo centralna naselja, je predlagan prenovljen model oskrbe na območju občin Idrija in Cerkno. Prenovljen model oskrbe vključuje tudi ideje za ponovno rabo izbranih stavb nekdanjih storitev, ki temelji na povpraševanju, pobudah prebivalstva in na inovativnih oblikah oskrbe s storitvami.

Keywords:krajinska arhitektura, regionalni razvoj, podeželje, storitve, Idrijsko-Cerkljansko
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[B. Kostanjšek]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101462 This link opens in a new window
UDC:711.3/.4(497.4 Idrija)(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:8987257 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.06.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis and spatial concept for the regional network of basic goods' supply in Idrijsko-Cerkljansko region
Due to the increasing mobilization of the population and the concentration of shops, post offices, banks and other services of general interest in major centers, the dependance of the population on cars is increasing, thus changing the shopping patterns of the population. At the same time, the rural hinterland faces the loss of key functions in the villages that used to serve as local supply centers. This master's thesis examines the problematics of services of economic interest in the area of Idrijsko-Cerkljansko, the dynamics of former and today's network of services and the connection with rural runoff, which as a process coincides with the centralization of services to larger centers. The research consists of a historical overview of service provision, analysis of supply and demand with emphasis on accessibility of services, analysis of good practices and initiatives for alternative solutions. For a better spatial insight, a field survey of empty buildings of former services in the area was carried out, and specific objects with the potential of further use were selected within the set of all enumerated ones. By reviewing spatial orientations for the development of settlements in the area and guidelines for placement of supply functions which determine central settlements a revised model of supply in municipalities of Idrija and Cerkno is proposed. The proposed model also includes ideas for re-use of selected buildings of former services based on demands and initiatives of the locals, as well as on innovative forms of service provision.

Keywords:landscape architecture, regional development, countryside, services, Idrijsko-Cerkljansko

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