The thesis connects two current topics that are often poorly addressed: (1) degraded areas, for which the potential of renewal has already been recognized in most European countries, while in Slovenia it has only recently come to the foreground and (2) alternative culture, which in most cases, begins to develop precisely in degraded areas. The thesis first defines the concept and typology of degraded areas and the differences in definition across different countries. This is followed by a more detailed presentation of the renewal, its issues, stakeholders, and the importance of public participation in the process of revitalizing the degraded areas. We have also reviewed the legislation of some European countries and Slovenia in this field, presented the actions of some Slovenian authors, and briefly described the model of the process of the renewal and revitalization. In the second topic, we have defined the notions of alternative culture and self-established site, presented the connection between self-established site and degraded areas, and emphasized the importance of culture and cultural infrastructure in the revitalization of cities. We have analysed the more important centres of alternative culture in Europe and Slovenia and based on the findings and with the help of the model of the renewal of a degraded area, we have created a theoretical model of renewal for the placement of the contents of alternative culture in the degraded area. In the field, we have listed all potential degraded areas for the establishment of a self-established site in the city of Ptuj and presented them in the form of a catalogue. Using the selected criteria from the analysis of the self-established sites and with the help of the theoretical model, all the covered degraded areas have been evaluated, after which we have selected the most suitable location and prepared a strategic plan for the renewal of the degraded area with self-established site on the example of the old tannery Koteks.