Rdeča Kapica je ena najstarejših in obenem najbolj branih pravljic po celem svetu, ki je še danes vir inspiracij za mnogo piscev. V tem magistrskem delu se analizira nekaj izbranih del v španskem jeziku v zadnjih štiridesetih letih ter ugotavlja, ali je bila pravljica podvržena spremembam in prilagoditvam sodobnemu svetu ter v katerih elementih se le te izražajo. Preko analize vseh del se zagotovo razvidi, da je prisotnost pravljice zelo močna, njene predelave pa zelo različne, saj so po eni strani še vedno živi elementi pravljice Perraulta ali bratov Grimm, po drugi strani pa lahko najdemo mnogo takih, v katerih je pravljica le delček ozadja, ki služi za nastanek novih originalnih del ter tako tudi novih spoznanj ter sporočil, ki bralcem odpirajo nove horizonte.Red Riding Hood is one of the most ancient and, at the same time, one of the most popular fairytales in the world, which makes it an inspiration for so many authors. This thesis analyzes some of the chosen works in spanish of the past forty years and discovers whether the fairytale has been subject to changes and adaptations to the modern world and where they are shown. Analyzing all these literary works, we can surely see that the presence of this fairytale on the market is still very strong and its rewritings are so different. This is due to Perrault%s or brothers Grimm%s versions being still very alive, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, due to other abounding versions in which the fairytale is just a piece of background that serves to create a new original work with new messages opening new horizons to the readers.Red Riding Hood is one of the most ancient and, at the same time, one of the most popular fairytales in the world, which makes it an inspiration for so many authors. This thesis analyzes some of the chosen works in spanish of the past forty years and discovers whether the fairytale has been subject to changes and adaptations to the modern world and where they are shown. Analyzing all these literary works, we can surely see that the presence of this fairytale on the market is still very strong and its rewritings are so different. This is due to Perrault's or brothers Grimm's versions being still very alive, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, due to other abounding versions in which the fairytale is just a piece of background that serves to create a new original work with new messages opening new horizons to the readers.