
Les collocations et les locutions dans un discours sportif : l'exemple des notes des joueurs de football
ID Cerovšek, Mateja (Author), ID Perko, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Cerovšek]
Number of pages:122 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101383 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:65716834 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.05.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Kolokacije in stalne besedne zveze v športnem besedilu na primeru ocen nogometašev
Pričujoča magistrska naloga se ukvarja z rabo in vlogo francoskih kolokacij in stalnih besednih zvez v športnem kontekstu. Na podlagi ocen nogometašev, podžanra športnega komentarja, ki povzema in ocenjuje igro vsakega posameznega nogometaša na odigrani tekmi, obravnava pomen teh izrazov za besedilo precej specifičnega tipa in področja. Najprej se naloga loti analize kolokacij in stalnih besednih zvez, ki so neposredno vezane na komentar nastopa nogometašev. Vse ne izhajajo in ne pripadajo nogometnemu področju: lahko izvirajo iz drugih športov ali iz povsem nešportnega okolja. Pri tem pomen izrazov ne ostaja enak, ampak se s prehodom v nogometno sfero pogosto prilagodi ali spremeni. Tukaj se pojavi vprašanje, v kolikšni meri so tovrstni nogometni (in športni) izrazi prepoznani in upoštevani v jeziku na splošno, na kar odgovori vpogled v nekaj slovarjev. V drugem delu je pod drobnogled postavljena vloga kolokacij in stalnih besednih zvez v športnem besedilu, v katerem se načeloma ne pričakuje množice slikovitih izrazov. Že izbrani članki pričajo o priljubljenosti rabe obeh vrst izrazov v športnem komentarju. Kakšni so torej razlogi za njihovo vključevanje in kakšne so njihove funkcije v podvrsti publicističnega športnega besedila? Naloga skuša pokazati, da so kolokacije in stalne besedne zveze bistvene tudi za besedilo, v katerem jih zaradi tematike in besedilnih značilnosti ne pričakujemo. Izbrani izrazi se po svojem izvoru ne omejujejo na nogomet ali šport, prav tako ne po rabi. Tudi njihova vloga v športnem komentarju presega zgolj poimenovanja tehnične narave.This master's thesis treats the use and the role of collocations and idiomatic expressions in the sports discourse in French language. It discusses the meaning of these expressions in the context of a specific text, based on the football players' analyses, itself a subgenre of the sports commentary. Firstly, the thesis discusses the analysis of collocations and idiomatic expressions which are directly connected to the commentary of the football players' performance. Not all of them are derived, or particular to, the area of football: they can stem from other sports or a completely different area with no connections to sport. In those cases, the meaning of expressions does not remain the same but often changes or adapts to the football domain. Here, the question arises as to how much the football (and sport) expressions of this kind are known and taken into account in the general language - the answer to this can be found by consulting some dictionaries. In the second part, the focus is on the role of collocations and idiomatic expressions in a sports text, where a great number of rich expressions is generally not expected. The selected articles alone bear testimony to the popularity of use of both kinds of expressions in a sports commentary. What are the reasons for their use and what are their functions in the subgenre of sports text? The thesis aims to show that collocations and idiomatic expressions are essential even for a text where they would normally not be expected, due to the topic and other contextual characteristics. The chosen expressions do not stem exclusively from football or sport in general nor is their use limited to these areas. Moreover, their use in the sports commentary surpasses mere mentions of a technical nature.

Keywords:francoščina, kolokacije, stalne besedne zveze, šport, športni komentarji, nogomet, magistrska dela

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