
Subjektivna ocena kakovosti življenja žensk z multiplo sklerozo : magistrsko delo
ID Potočnik, Ana (Author), ID Filipčič, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jerman, Janez (Comentor)

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Multipla skleroza (MS) je avtoimunska bolezen nevrološkega izvora, pri kateri prihaja do sprememb v osrednjem živčnem sistemu. Ženske pogosteje zbolijo za MS kot moški. Pri posameznikih z MS se pojavljajo različni bolezenski simptomi, ki s svojo pojavnostjo vplivajo na življenje osebe z MS. Poleg narave in simptomatike bolezni na kakovost življenja oseb z MS vplivajo tudi drugi dejavniki. Avtorji te različno delijo, vendar se delitve oz. pojmovanja vsebinsko ujemajo. Kakovost življenja posameznika opredeljujemo prek več področij, ki zajemajo posameznikovo funkcioniranje v vsakodnevnem življenju. Znotraj vsakega področja pa s pomočjo kazalnikov določamo raven kakovosti posameznikovega življenja. V magistrskem delu smo ugotavljali, ali obstajajo razlike med ženskami z MS v zgodnji odraslosti, ki imajo bolezen krajši čas, in ženskami z MS v srednji odraslosti, ki imajo MS dlje časa, v subjektivni zaznavi kakovosti življenja. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 60 žensk z recidivno remitentno obliko MS, od tega 30 mlajših in 30 starejših. Za obe skupini smo podali splošno oceno stanja, pojavljanja simptomov in načinov zdravljenja ter subjektivne ocene njihove kakovosti življenja na posameznih področjih. Primerjava podatkov je pokazala, da so ženske z MS v zgodnji odraslosti, ki imajo bolezen krajši čas, na večini področij dosegale višje povprečne ocene zadovoljstva kot ženske z MS v srednji odraslosti. Izjeme so bile postavke prostočasne dejavnosti, uspeh, optimizem, sprejemanje sebe in počasen napredek. Statistično pomembno se skupini razlikujeta na področjih materialne blaginje, samoodločanja in socialnega vključevanja. Ugotovili smo, da starost pomembno vpliva tudi na področji osebnega razvoja in fizičnega dobrega počutja. Na področjih materialne blaginje, osebnega razvoja in samoodločanja je obstajala statistično pomembna razlika pri dveh izmed spremenljivk. Na področjih fizičnega dobrega počutja, medosebnih odnosov in socialne vključenosti pa zgolj pri eni izmed danih spremenljivk. Na področjih pravic in čustvenega dobrega počutja ni bilo statistično pomembne razlike pri nobeni spremenljivki. Dejavniki, ki so statistično pomembno vplivali na kakovost življenja žensk z MS, so bili vrednost EDSS, stopnja izobrazbe, trajanje bolezni in zaposlitveni status. Nižja stopnja oviranosti po EDSS, višja stopnja izobrazbe in zaposlitveni status so se izkazali kot pomembni varovalni dejavniki na področju kakovosti življenja žensk z MS.

Keywords:kakovost življenja, multipla skleroza, ženske z multiplo sklerozo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[A. Potočnik]
Number of pages:XII, 99 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101370 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12011081 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Self-reported quality of life in women with multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune neurological disease of the central nervous system. Woman are more likely to get the MS than man. People with MS have a variety of symptoms which affect their everyday life. Beside these symptoms there are other factors which also affect the quality of life of the individual. The MS symptoms have been defined by various authors, but there are content-related similarities in their definitions. There are multiple areas which determine the quality of life of an individual. In each of these areas we can assess the quality of life using specific variables.. In this master's thesis we tried to establish possible differences in subjective perception of the quality of life between women who are young adults and have had MS for a shorter period of time and middle-aged women who have had the disease for a longer period of time. There were 60 women with relapsing remitting MS in our research: 30 younger and 30 older women. We created a general assessment of their current status, the symptoms and subjective satisfaction with different areas of life for both groups of women. The data comparison has shown that in most areas, the younger women with MS reached a higher level of satisfaction with life than the middle-aged women with MS. The variables which were an exception were the following: free time activities, success, optimism, self-acceptance and slower progress. The two groups reached significantly different results in the areas of material well-being, self-determination and social inclusion. We discovered that age has also a powerful influence on personal development as well as physical well-being. The areas of material well-being, personal development and self-determination showed statistically important differences in two variables for each area. In the areas of physical well-being, interpersonal relationships and social inclusion there was a statistically important difference in only one variable. There was no statistically important difference in the areas of rights and emotional well-being. The factors that statistically affected the subjective assessment of the quality of life as perceived by women with MS were the EDSS value, the level of education, the duration of disease and employment status. A lower level of EDSS value, a higher education level and a higher employment status proved to work as a protective factor on the quality of life of the women in our research.

Keywords:disease, female, bolezen, ženska

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