
Optimizacija in vpliv dizajna na spletno trgovino
ID Bezić, Patricija (Author), ID Lazar, Mihael (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Z velikim napredkom tehnologije v preteklem desetletju ter z nenehnim razvojem interneta smo stopili v obdobje, kjer postati digitalen ni več stvar izbire, temveč nuja. Pri sledenju trendov razvoja se vse več trgovin seli na nov naslov - spletni naslov. V prisotnosti megalomanskih, že dolgo prisotnih dobro razvitih spletnih trgovin se mali podjetnik težko uveljavi s spletnim trženjem. Na poti do uspeha je bistveno pritegniti in obdržati kupca z moderno oblikovano stranjo, ki se bo oglaševala na družbenih omrežjih in katere uspeh je ob dobri optimizaciji zagotovljen. Tehnologije in trendi se spreminjajo, zato moramo biti vedno v koraku s časom. Pomembno je, da odločitve ne sprejemamo le na teoretičnih osnovah, temveč je potrebno, s pomočjo različnih orodij za spremljanje in testiranje, spremljati želje in potrebe potrošnikov ter uporabiti tisto, kar je za specifično poslovanje najboljše. Cilj diplomskega dela je oblikovati spletno trgovino za poslovanje mikropodjetja "S-Hand Art" v skladu z željami naše stranke, lastnice podjetja, ob upoštevanju pravil dizajna in optimizacije, s ciljem da se majhnemu podjetju omogoči uveljaviti v družbi "gigantov". Razen trženja je drugotni cilj tudi promocija podjetja izven državnih meja. "S-Hand Art" se ukvarja z izdelavo ročnih del iz keramike, nakita ter s poslikavo svile. Podjetje je bilo ustanovljeno leta 2007. Lastnica je zaradi slabe prodaje ter slabega dostopa do potencialnih kupcev ter predstavitve izdelkov na svetovnem tržišču sklenila, da je za nadaljnje poslovanje najboljša rešitev spletna trgovina.

Keywords:splet, spletna trgovina, dizajn, optimizacija, košarica
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101359 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.05.2018
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Title:Optimization and impact of design on the webshop
With the evolution of technology in the past decade and with the continuous development of the Internet, we have stepped into a period where becoming digital is no more a matter of choice but a matter of need. Following the trend, more and more stores are moving to a new address - a web address. In the presence of megalomaniacal, long-standing and highly developed online stores, it is difficult for a small entrepreneur to break through and start selling from nothing. Therefore, on the road to success, it is essential to attract and retain the customer with the contemporarily designed website and good advertising on social media. Also, with a good optimization, the success is guaranteed. Over time, technology and trends are changing, so we always need to be in step with the time. It is important that we take decisions not only on theoretical grounds but also with the help of various monitoring and testing tools, to observe the wishes and needs of consumers and to use what is best for a specific business. The aim of the diploma thesis is to create an online store for the business of micro-enterprise "S-Hand Art" in accordance with the wishes of our client - the owner, but taking into account the rules of design and optimization with the goal of enabling a small company to succeed in the company of "giants". Apart from sales, the secondary goal is the promotion "S-Hand Art" is engaged in the production of handmade ceramics, jewelry, and silk painting. The company was founded in 2007. Due to poor sales and poor access to the potential customers and presentation of products worldwide, the owner concluded that the online store is the best solution for the future of the company.

Keywords:web, e-commerce, online store, design, optimization, shopping cart

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