
Analiza funkcionalnih urbanih območij regionalnih središč Slovenije v obdobju 2000–2015 : magistrsko delo
ID Ovčar, Domen (Author), ID Drobne, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V zadnjih letih so se uveljavili številni novi koncepti razmejitve območja, ki posplošujejo in podajajo nove smernice za nadaljnje analize gospodarskega, družbenega, okoljskega in prostorskega razvoja. Funkcionalno regijo je kot nov koncept razmejitve v literaturi moč zaznati že nekaj časa, v novejšem času pa se vse bolj uveljavlja koncept funkcionalnega urbanega območja (FUO). V magistrski nalogi prevzamemo funkcionalna urbana območja, ki jih je modelirala Cetin (2018) po metodi OECD za območje Slovenije v obdobju 2000–2015. V nalogi na ravni regionalnih središč po SPRS (2004) analiziramo številne družbeno-ekonomske in prostorske parametre po FUO regionalnih središč. Izhajamo iz uradnih statističnih podatkov, zbranih na ravni občin (SKTE 5). Nadaljnjo analizo izvajamo v dveh delih. Prvi del zajema analizo statističnih podatkov po FUO in po letih, drugi del pa tematsko obravnava analizo poti na delo po FUO in po letih. V obravnavanem obdobju 2000–2015 analiziramo ter ovrednotimo notranje spremembe analiziranih parametrov na ravni FUO regionalnih središč Slovenije. Analizo v celoti opravimo v programskem orodju Excel, s pomočjo katerega rezultate tudi grafično prikazujemo. Rezultate tematsko predstavljamo v dveh ločenih poglavjih, to so rezultati, vezani na spremembo družbeno-ekonomskih parametrov, ter rezultati, vezani neposredno na spremembo delovne mobilnosti na ravni regionalnih središč Slovenije.

Keywords:funkcionalno urbano območje, regionalna središča, delovna mobilnost, Slovenija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[D. Ovčar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101254 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8435297 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.05.2018
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Title:Analysis of functional urban areas of regional centers of Slovenia in the period 2000–2015 : master thesis
Over the last few years, numerous new concepts of area delimitation generalizing and giving new guidelines for further analyses of economic, social, environmental and spatial development have been enforced. A functional region, as a new concept of delimitation, has appeared in literature for quite some time now. In the contemporary era, the concept of functional urban area (FUA) is gaining in importance. In this graduation thesis, functional urban area, modelled by Cetin (2018) after the OECD method for the area of Slovenia between 2000 and 2015, were taken. On the level of the regional centres after SPRS (2004), numerous social-economic and spatial parameters of regional centres, FUAs were analysed. The official statistic data, collected on the level of municipalities (SKTE 5), served as sources for our analysis. Further analysis is done in two parts. The first part consists of the statistical data analysis after FUAs over the years; the second part thematically discusses the analysis of labour commuting routes in FUAs and over the years respectively. An analysis and an evaluation of internal changes of the analysed parameters in FUAs of the regional centres of Slovenia is presented for the period between 2000 and 2015. The analysis is made completely with the programme Excel, which also helps present the results graphically. The results are presented in two different separated chapters: the results, bound up to the change of the social-economic parameters, and the results, bound up directly to the change of labour commuting on the level of regional centres of Slovenia.

Keywords:functional urban area, regional centers, labor commuting, Slovenia

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