
Vrste socialne opore, ki jih uporabniki spletnega foruma Sladkorna bolezen iščejo in dobijo na spletnem portalu Med.Over.Net : magistrsko delo
ID Avguštin, Mojca (Author), ID Kavčič, Matic (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Milavec Kapun, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 7E8AD681B8023368E11455046CFA1637

Uvod: Dostop in možnost uporabe informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije sta lahko dandanes osebam s kronično boleznijo in ostalim osebam v veliko pomoč pri zadovoljevanju psihičnih in socialnih potreb. Z uporabo spletnih forumov se lahko povečujeta njihovo samozaupanje in motivacija za zdravljenje. Svetovni splet je lahko uporaben na področju zdravja in pri procesu zdravljenja predvsem s ponujanjem kakovostnih in pravočasnih informacij ter vpliva na splošno izboljšanje zdravstvenega varstva. Namen: S kvalitativno analizo besedila je bil namen ugotoviti, katere informacije in kakšne vrste opore iščejo uporabniki spletnega foruma Sladkorna bolezen na spletnem portalu Med.Over.Net. Metode dela: Pričujoča interpretacija podatkov oziroma besedila uporabnikov in moderatorja spletnega foruma Sladkorna bolezen na spletnem zdravstvenem portalu Med.Over.Net temelji na večfaznem postopku kvalitativne analize vsebine. V raziskovalni vzorec so bili zajeti podatki oz. besedilo, ki je bilo na spletnem forumu Sladkorna bolezen na spletnem zdravstvenem portalu Med.Over.Net objavljeno med letoma 2013 – 2015 in zajema vprašanja uporabnikov spletnega foruma ter odgovore moderatorja in ostalih uporabnikov spletnega foruma. Rezultati: Uporabniki spletnega foruma Sladkorna bolezen na spletnem portalu Med.Over.Net najpogosteje iščejo čustveno in informacijsko oporo. Največ iskane opore se, glede na analizo besedila med uporabniki spletnega foruma, nakazuje pri interpretaciji vrednosti krvnega sladkorja in tehničnih napotkih pravilnega merjenja krvnega sladkorja ter aplikacije inzulina. Prav tako so pogosti zapisi o primerni prehrani oseb s sladkorno boleznijo in vplivu sladkorne bolezni na razvoj ploda v nosečnosti. Razprava in zaključek: Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da vse obravnavane vsebine nakazujejo na relevantnost njihove implementacije v izvajanje zdravstvene vzgoje pacienta s sladkorno boleznijo. Pri tem je potrebno v obzir vzeti najpogosteje obravnavane ali ponavljajoče se vsebine, kar bi lahko nakazovalo na pomanjkanje znanja posameznikov s sladkorno boleznijo ali pa vsaj na njihovo negotovost v posredovana znanja in spretnosti za uspešno obvladovanje izzivov sladkorne bolezni.

Keywords:sladkorna bolezen, svetovni splet, spletni forumi, socialna opora, kvalitativna analiza vsebine
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101141 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5420395 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.04.2018
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Title:Types of social support that users of web Diabetes forum seek and find on the web portal Med.Over.Net : masterʹs thesis
Introduction: Nowadays, people with cronic disease and other people can benefit from the access and the ability to use information and communication technology for satisfying psychical and social needs. Using online forums they increase their self-esteem and motivation for treatment. The web is useful at the health area and the treatment process, especially by providing quality and timely information and influencing the generally impowerment of health care. Purpose: With a qualitative analysis of the text, the purpose was to find out, which information and what kind of support are the users of the web forum Diabetes looking for on the Med.Over.Net website. Methods of work: The present interpretation of data or text of users and moderator of the online forum Diabetes on the online health portal Med.Over.Net is based on a multi-phase approach to qualitative content analysis. In the research sample there were included data or text, that was published on the Med.Over.Net online health portal on the web forum Diabetes during the years 2013 – 2015 and covers questions from the users of the web forum and answers of the moderator and other users of the web forum. Results: Users of the web forum Diabetes on the Med.Over.Net web portal most often seek for emotional and informational support. According to the analysis of the text, the most of support is indicated in the interpretation of the blood glucose values and technical instructions for the correct measurement of the blood glucose and insulin application. Also, there a frequent records of the suitable diet of the diabetics and the effect of the diabetes on the fetus during pregnancy. Discussion and conclusion: With the study we concluded, that all discussed topics indicate the relevance of their implementation to the health education of patients with diabetes. In this context, there should be considered the most frequently discussed or repetitive contents, which could indicate of a lack of knowledge of individuals with diabetes or, at least, their uncertainty in the knowledge and skills provided for successfully managing the challenges of diabetes.

Keywords:diabetes, world wide web, online forums, social support, qualitative content analysis

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