Aim of our Thesis was to determine trends in lifestyle habits among students of University of Ljubljana. The survey involved 327 participants, registered to academic year 2016/2017. The group was consisted of 107 (32,7%) male students and 220 (67,3%) female students. Participants answered authorial questionarie adapted by the following questionaries: »Življenjski slog študentov« (Majerič in sod., 2013), »International physical activity questionnaire« (IPAQ, 2002), »Health and Wellbeing Questionnaire« (El Ansari in drugi, 2011), »Z zdravjem povezan vedenjski slog« (CINDI, 2017) and »Povezanost gibalne/športne aktivnosti otrok z izbranimi dejavniki zdravega načina življenja« (Kropej, 2007). Questionarie was consisted of 52 questions. We found that self-rated health is good among the students. Male students are more often involved in physical and sport activities (M=1,88days/week) and spend more time for moderate-intensity physical activities (M=6,61h/week) than female students (M=1,73days/week) (M=3,54h/week). Male students eat more meals troughout the day, than female students (M=4,27 meals/day) (M=3,84 meals/day). Male students consume alchol products more often than female students (51,6% of male students and 49,1% of female students drank alcohol at least 2 times per month). 7,5% of male students and 5,9% female students are risky drinkers. Students get drunk couple of times per year (male students 38,8%, female students 37,9%) or 2 to 3 times per month (13,4% male students, 19,0% female students). 9,1% of male students and 14,8% of female students smoke tobacco. Male students smoke 4 cigarettes per day and female students smoke 5 cigarretes per day on average. Only 20,4% students mantain recommended amount of sleep. 55,8% of male students and 52,8% female students said, that insufficient amount of sleep is a cause for sleepiness and bad mood during the day 1 to 3 times per week. Male students (25,4%) are less susceptible to psyhological stess, and less often feel stress and anxiety, than female students (8,1%). Findings of our analysis are useful for professional public, bacause of wide range of lifestyle factors.