
Vloga medicinske sestre ob zapletih pri uvajanju endotrahealnega tubusa - stališča študentov : diplomsko delo
ID Bogataj, Tina (Author), ID Sotler, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kotar, Viki (Comentor)

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Uvod: Endotrahealna intubacija se še vedno šteje za zlati standard pri oskrbi dihalne poti pri bolnikih, kateri sami ne morejo zagotoviti zadostne predihanosti pljuč. Diplomirana medicinska sestra/ diplomirani zdravstvenik imata pomembno vlogo pri pripravi bolnika na intubacijo, med samo intubacijo ter v času, ko je bolnik že intubiran. Ves čas obravnave bolnika sta z njim, ga opazujeta, zadovoljujeta njegove potrebe in mu pomagata. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je s pomočjo pregleda domače in tuje literature ugotoviti, kdaj in zakaj se lahko pojavijo zapleti zaradi vstavljanja endotrahealnega tubusa in kako jih lahko kot diplomirana medicinska sestra/diplomirani zdravstvenik preprečimo. V raziskovalnem delu želimo ugotoviti, kakšna so stališča študentov zdravstvene nege do možnih zapletov pri bolniku z endotrahealnim tubusom in vlogo diplomirane medicinske sestre/ diplomiranega zdravstvenika pri tem. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je bila uporabljena opisna ali deskriptivna metoda dela s pregledom angleške in slovenske strokovne ter znanstvene literature s področja endotrahealne intubacije. Stališča študentov o možnih zapletih pri uvajanju enotrahealnega tubusa in vlogi diplomirane medicinske sestre/diplomiranega zdravstvenika pri njihovi obravnavi smo proučevali s kvantitativno metodo empiričnega raziskovanja. Uporabili smo vprašalnik z naslovom: Poznavanje zapletov pri uvajanju endotrahealnega tubusa – stališča študentov. Rezultati: V raziskavi je sodelovalo skupaj 25 študentov 3. letnika in 20 absolventov študijskega programa Zdravstvena nega, 1. stopnja. Študenti se zavedajo pomembne vloge diplomirane medicinske sestre/ diplomiranega zdravstvenika pri preprečevanju zapletov. Stališča študentov o zapletih pri endotrahealni intubaciji pa so različna. Razprava in sklep: Pomembni zapleti so hipoksemija, hipoksija, vstavitev endotrahealnega tubusa v požiralnik, hipotenzija, aspiracija in srčni zastoj. Vsaka ponovitev endotrahealne intubacije pa možnost zapletov še poveča. Pomembno vlogo ima diplomirana medicinska sestra/ diplomirani zdravstvenik, saj sodeluje pri sami pripravi bolnika na endotrahealno intubacijo, med uvajanjem in tudi v času, ko ima bolnik vstavljen endotrahealni tubus. Iz raziskave je razvidno, da imajo študentje zdravstvene nege premalo znanja o zapletih pri endotrahealni intubaciji, se pa zavedajo pomembne vloge diplomirane medicinske sestre/diplomiranega zdravstvenika med uvajanjem in v času intubacije. Anketiranci so v 12 primerih nepopolno izpolnili vprašalnik, zato lahko sklepamo, da imajo na tem področju premalo znanja, da bi na njih lahko odgovorili

Keywords:zapleti pri enotrahealni intubaciji, endotrahealni tubus, prehospitalna intubacija, znanje študentov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100813 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5422443 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.04.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Nurse's role in complications during endotracheal intubation - student's perspective : diploma work
Introduction: Endotracheal intubation is still considered to be a gold standard in the supply of respiratory tracts in patients who alone cannot provide sufficient lung suppression. Throughout the patient's treatment a graduate nurse stays with the patient, watching them, tending to their needs and helping them. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma work is to determine, by studying Slovene and foreign works, when and why the complications while endotracheal intubation can occur, and how they can be prevented by a graduate nurse. In the research section we want to find out what the views of the healthcare students are on possible complications and the role of a graduate nurse in the endotracheal intubation. Methods: A descriptive method of work was used in this diploma work along with studying English and Slovene professional and scientific literature covering the domain of endotracheal intubation. Students' views on possible complications in the endotracheal intubation and the role of a graduated nurse were studied with a quantitative method of empirical research. We used the questionnaire entitled: Students' views on knowing and understanding the possible complications while inserting an endotracheal tube. Results: 25 students of the 3rd year and 20 students who have completed their studies but not yet graduated in the programme of Health Care, Level 1 took part in the survey. Students are aware of the important role of a graduate nurse in the endotracheal intubation. Discussion and conclusion: Important complications include hypoxemia, insertion of the endotracheal tube into the oesophagus, aspiration and cardiac arrest. A graduate nurse plays an important role as they participate in the preparation of the patient for endotracheal intubation, during the introduction, and also the time when the patient has it inserted. The findings of the survey show that nursing students lack knowledge of complications in endotracheal intubation, but they are aware of the important role of a graduate nurse. Since some of the questionnaires that we got back from the students were not fully completed, we believe that students lack knowledge in this field of expertise.

Keywords:comlication of endotracheal intubation, endotracheal tube, prehospital intubation, students knowledge

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