
Tehnične sestavljanke v predšolskem obdobju za razvijanje tehnoloških kompetenc
ID Gril, Tina (Author), ID Avsec, Stanislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šuligoj, Veronika (Comentor)

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Tehnična vzgoja v vrtcu ni opredeljena kot področje v Kurikulumu za vrtce (Bahovec idr., 2009), zato je vzgojitelji predšolskih otrok ne izvajajo pogosto. Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, ali so sestavljanke prisotne v predšolski vzgoji, ali jih vzgojitelji uporabljajo pri svojem delu in ali znajo predšolski otroci izdelati funkcionalen izdelek. Preko izdelanih tehničnih sestavljank želimo predvsem spodbuditi uporabo tehnične vzgoje v vrtcu. Diplomsko delo je namenjeno vzgojiteljem predšolskih otrok in ostalim pedagoškim delavcem, da jim z analizo stanja, opisanimi sestavljankami in materiali prikažemo primer dejavnosti, s katerimi lahko uresničujejo predvsem cilje tehnične vzgoje, v povezavi z ostalimi področji. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela smo opisali razvojne značilnosti otrok, otroške igre in učenja. Opisane so tudi tehnične dejavnosti v vrtcu ter predstavitev izdelanih sestavljank iz različnih materialov. Pri empiričnem delu diplomskega dela smo s pomočjo vprašalnika želeli ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri ter s kakšnim namenom se uporabljajo sestavljanke v vrtcu in iz kakšnih materialov so izdelane ter analizirati učinkovitost uporabe predhodno načrtovanih in izdelanih tehničnih sestavljank v predšolskem obdobju. Pri raziskavi je sodelovalo 40 vzgojiteljev predšolskih otrok. Ugotovili smo, da se sestavljanke v vrtcih vsakodnevno uporabljajo, vzgojitelji pa jih tudi sami izdelujejo iz različnih materialov. Sestavljanke v vrtcih uporabljajo tako pri načrtovani dejavnosti kot tudi pri igri. S pomočjo opazovalnih listov smo ugotovili, kako uspešni so otroci pri sestavljanju sestavljank iz različnih materialov in izdelavi sestavljank. Pri dejavnosti v vrtcu je sodelovalo 20 otrok, starih 4¬–6 let. Večina otrok je znala sestaviti sestavljanke iz različnih materialov in s preprostimi tehnološkimi postopki izdelati sestavljanke. Rezultati raziskave so zadovoljivi, saj se sestavljanke v vrtcih uporabljajo. Prevladuje sicer uporaba komercialnih sestavljank, nekoliko manj so uporabljene sestavljanke, ki jih vzgojitelji samostojno izdelajo. Vzgojitelji so zapisali, da imajo sestavljanke večji učinek za učenje kot igro. Uporaba predhodno načrtovanih in izdelanih tehničnih sestavljank otrokom ni predstavljala težav, saj so jih vsi znali sestaviti. Vsi so izdelali tudi funkcionalen izdelek – svoji dve sestavljanki.

Keywords:tehnične sestavljanke
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100807 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11978569 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.04.2018
GRIL, Tina, 2018, Tehnične sestavljanke v predšolskem obdobju za razvijanje tehnoloških kompetenc [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Technical puzzles in preschool period for the purpose of developing technological competence
The Kindergarten Curriculum does not prescribe technical education (Bahovec et al., 2009), which is why the latter is rarely implemented by kindergarten teachers. The purpose of this thesis is to determine whether jigsaw puzzles are used in preschool environments, whether teachers use them in their work, and whether preschool children are capable of producing their own functional products. By producing technical jigsaw puzzles, we wish to encourage the implementation of technical education in preschool settings. Aimed at preschool teachers and other pedagogical workers, this thesis analyzes the current situation, presents the selected jigsaw puzzles, and describes various materials that they can be made of. The production of jigsaw puzzles can serve as an interdisciplinary activity to facilitate the implementation of technical education in preschool settings. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the developmental characteristics of children, children’s games, and learning. The technical activities we might come across in kindergartens and the presentations of jigsaw puzzles made of different materials are also dealt with. The empirical part of the thesis analyzes the results of a questionnaire to determine to what extent jigsaw puzzles are used in kindergartens, for what purpose they are used, and which materials they are made of. Additionally, the empirical part analyzes the efficiency of preplanned and ready-made jigsaw puzzles in the preschool period. 40 preschool teachers have participated in the research . We have determined that jigsaw puzzles are used on a daily basis in kindergartens and that teachers also make their own jigsaw puzzles from various materials. Puzzles are used both in preplanned activities and during playtime. By means of observation sheets, we have determined how successful children are in assembling jigsaw puzzles made of different materials. 20 children aged 4-6 have participated in the activity. The majority of children knew how to assemble jigsaw puzzles made of different materials and were capable of making their own jigsaw puzzles by using simple technologic procedures. The results of the research are satisfactory. Jigsaw puzzles are used in kindergartens, though the majority of the jigsaws used are those that are commercially available. Jigsaws made by teachers are less common. Teachers have pointed out that jigsaw puzzles play a more important role in learning than they do in playing. The assembly of preplanned and ready-made technical jigsaw puzzles presents no obstacle for children, as all of them were successful. Each of the children also created their own functional products – two jigsaw puzzles.

Keywords:technical jigsaw puzzle

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