The basic condition for a well-functioning inclusive education is a tailor-made system of support for people with special educational needs. Inclusive primary schools in England consist also of people with special needs who have distinct and diverse special educational needs, so the support system needs to be adjusted. Educators have to use appropriate strategies and cooperate well with all those involved in the support system. In the present master's thesis, I investigated the system of support of inclusive education in the English primary school.
In the empirical part, I researched the case study of two people with special educational needs, which strategies were proposed by external providers of support for them and which strategies were implemented. I was also interested in the inclusive education in the English primary school, the role and responsibilities of pedagogical workers in providing support to people with special educational needs, and how they work together to ensure good inclusive practice at school.
As the results of the survey show, teachers and assistants of both persons with special educational needs implement the vast majority of the strategies proposed by external agencies. The pedagogical staff use good quality teaching strategies while teaching. The role of the teacher is crucial in the support of people with special needs, its essential task is the identification of persons with special educational needs, the planning of provisions and the implementation of differentiation and care for improving the self-image of people with special needs. Individual assistants provide support to a specific person with special educational needs, classroom assistants assist teachers in teaching, usually helping groups of students who need more support due to problems. The special educational needs coordinator ensures that the teaching of people with special educational needs at school is in accordance with regulations, the coordinator also leads individual assistants, coordinates provisions, cooperates with parents and external agencies, and presents suggestions for assessment of people with special educational needs. Teachers and assistants in the implementation of good inclusive practice cooperate in planning, implementing teaching and evaluating. Their work has to be coordinated and the lack of time for planning and evaluating teaching is often a barrier for that. The special educational needs coordinator collaborates with teachers and assistants in providing the best support to people with special educational needs, in the process of guiding people with special educational needs, helping teachers and assistants in gaining knowledge in the field of support of people with special educational needs.