
Vključevanje vsebin o bioplastiki v pouk kemije v osnovni šoli : magistrsko delo
ID Peternelj, Aleš (Author), ID Ferk Savec, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V zadnjem desetletju se je kot odziv na okoljsko problematiko, povezano s plastiko, na tržišču pojavilo veliko novih bioplastičnih materialov, s katerimi se učenci srečujejo v vsakodnevnem življenju, zato je pomembno, da jih poznajo. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela so predstavljena teoretična izhodišča o polimerih, s posebnim poudarkom na bioplastiki, ter o aktivnem pouku naravoslovnih vsebin. Rezultati, ki so bili pridobljeni v raziskavi, so predstavljeni v empiričnem delu magistrskega dela. Raziskava je bila izvedena z namenom pridobitve podatkov o trajnosti in kakovosti znanja, usvojenega z aktivnim poukom, ter spodbuditi situacijski interes učencev za usvajanje znanja o bioplastiki pri pouku kemije v 9. razredu osnovne šole. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 197 učencev, ki so s samostojnim delom usvajali znanje s področja o bioplastiki. Kontrolna skupina je znanje o bioplastiki usvajala s pomočjo poljudnega članka po korakih splošne učne strategije, medtem ko je eksperimentalna skupina znanje usvajala s pomočjo samostojnega eksperimentalnega dela po navodilih. Kontrolna in eksperimentalna skupina sta bili oblikovani tako, da med njima na predpreizkusu znanja ni bilo statistično pomembnih razlik. Po izvedenih učnih urah so učenci eksperimentalne in kontrolne skupine najprej rešili preizkus znanja in vprašalnik glede situacijskega interesa za usvajanje znanja o bioplastiki. Tri tedne zatem so učenci obeh skupin rešili še pozni preizkus znanja. Rezultati, ki so bili pridobljeni v raziskavi, so pokazali, da učenci eksperimentalne skupine v trajnosti in kakovosti usvojenega znanja ne dosegajo statistično pomembno boljših rezultatov od svojih sovrstnikov iz kontrolne skupine. Prav tako tudi glede na spol med dekleti in fanti na preizkusu in poznem preizkusu znanja ni bilo statistično pomembnih razlik v usvojenem znanju. Pri situacijskem interesu za usvajanje novih vsebin o bioplastiki je mogoče trditi, da med učenci eksperimentalne in kontrolne skupine ni bilo razlik, saj nobena skupina ni pokazala večjega interesa za usvajanje znanj na temo bioplastike. Tudi za situacijski interes, gledano po spolu, ne moremo trditi, da so fantje pokazali višji situacijski interes za usvajanje novih znanj o bioplastiki. Povzamemo lahko, da v povezavi s proučevanimi dejavniki med obravnavanima pristopoma v raziskavi ni bilo ugotovljenih razlik glede primernosti za uporabo pri poučevanju vsebin o bioplastiki. V nadaljnjih raziskavah bi bilo mogoče razširiti vzorec sodelujočih tako, da bi vključili učence iz celotne Slovenije, raziskavo prilagoditi za populacijo dijakov, prav tako bi bilo zanimivo proučiti druge možnosti za aktivni pouk o bioplastiki ter pridobiti mnenje in izkušnje učiteljev kemije o poučevanju vsebin, povezanih z bioplastiko.

Keywords:bioplastika, aktivni pouk, samostojno eksperimentalno delo, delo z besedilom, splošna študijska strategija, trajnost in kakovost znanja kemije, situacijski interes
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[A. Peternelj]
Number of pages:VI, 78 str., [18] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100622 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11955273 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.04.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Integration of bioplastics content in learning process of chemistry in elementary school
In the last decade many new bioplastic materials have appeared as a response to environmental issues related to the plastics on the market, so it is important for children to know them, because they are encountering them daily. In theoretical part of a dissertation is at first being introduced a theoretical basis about polymers with the emphasis on bioplastic and active learning about natural contents. Results, which were extracted during the research are shown in empirical work of my dissertation. A research was carried out with a purpose to get data about constancy, quality of knowledge considering active teaching methods and situational interest of pupils about gaining knowledge of bioplastic in the chemistry class in ninth grade of primary school. In the research were included 197 children, who formed a new knowledges from the field of bioplastic with their own work. The control group was gaining new knowledges about bioplastic step by step using general learning strategies with the help of an non-technical article, while experimental group was gaining knowledge with their independent experimental work using given instructions. Control and experimental group were formed in the way that there were no big statistical differences on the pre-test. Pupils had solved a test and a questionary after the lessons were carried out, with which we checked their situational interest about gaining knowledge of bioplastic. Three weeks after that the children of both groups solved late test of their knowledge. Results, which were extracted during the research showed that children of experimental group don’t achieve any better results about constancy and quality of knowledge compared to control group. Also considering the gender, there were no statistical significant differences in their gained knowledge. In situational interest for gaining new knowledge about bioplastic we can claim that there were no differences between control and experimental group, because none of them showed bigger interest in gaining new knowledge about bioplastic. Even for the situational interest considering the gender we can’t claim, that boys showed bigger situational interest in gaining new knowledges about bioplastic. To sum up, we can say that there were not established big differences in relation to studied factors between discussed approaches and both of them are equally suitable in teaching about bioplastic. In further researches we could expand pattern of participants with including children from all Slovenian schools or we could adjust our research for population of students. In addition, it would be also interesting to study other possibilities for active teaching about bioplastic and get an opinion and experiences from teachers of chemistry about teaching contents connected with bioplastic.

Keywords:chemistry, primary education, kemija, osnovnošolski pouk

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