
Zasnova in izvedba optične tarče
ID PAVKOVIČ, MARTINA (Author), ID Vončina, Danjel (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vencelj, Matjaž (Comentor)

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Cilj magistrske naloge je bil razviti optično občutljivo tarčo za lasersko pištolo za varen strelski trening doma. Na tarčo streljamo z laserskim žarkom, ki je amplitudno moduliran s frekvenco 1 kHz. Laserska svetloba se odbije od difuzno bele tarčne ploščice do štirih simetrično postavljenih fotodiod. Dobljene štiri signale vzorčimo z okoli 40k vzorci na sekundo, se fazno vpnemo na njihovo vsoto, izprojiciramo njihove amplitude in jih preračunamo v položaj laserske pike na tarčni ploščici. Na ta način smo dosegli 1,2 mm ločljivost lege laserske pike.

Keywords:PIN-fotodioda, elektronska tarča, PLL
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100567 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.03.2018
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Title:Design and implementation of an optical target
The purpose of the thesis was to develop an optically sensitive target for a laser gun for safe sports shooting training at home. The target is shot at with a laser beam modulated at 1 kHz. The laser light scatters off a diffuse white target disc and arrives at four symmetrically positioned photodiodes. We sample the four signals at 40 kS/s, phase-lock on their sum and calculate their amplitudes. By comparing the amplitudes we determine the position of the laser spot on the target disc. In this way we achieved a 1.2 mm resolution of the laser spot position.

Keywords:PIN-photodiode, electronic target, PLL

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