This master thesis focuses on the ways in which Enrique Vila-Matas develops the theme of literature in his three novels: Bartleby and company, Montano's Malady and Doctor Pasavento. The thesis as the base for further analysis of the presented theme firstly introduces the author of the novels, the three discussed literary works by analyzing them, the narrators and the protagonists and the period of postmodernism. The analysis of the theme of literature focuses on the field of the exhaustion of literature. The master thesis further presents the theoretical basis of the theme of literature and focuses on author%s unique vision of literature. The theme of literature in the analyzed works is threated from the perspective of the exhaustion of literature as well as the possibility of future creations. It deals with silence and desistence of writing and the opposite, continuous writing, the disappearance of the writer as a character and private writing, that is not intended to be published. The author represent the current state of literature as a disease and searches for most common symptoms of it.