
Spremembe v procesu literarnega pisanja in medbesedilnost ob pojavu digitalnih medijev : magistrsko delo
ID Radaljac, Anja (Author), ID Matajc, Vanesa (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pričujoča magistrska naloga se ukvarja z vprašanjem, na kakšen način je pojav elektronskih naprav in digitalnih medijev vplival na proces literarnega pisanja. V prvem poglavju so v grobem predstavljene digitalne literature ter odnos med tiskanimi ter digitalnimi oblikami literarnih umetnosti. Sledeča poglavja si za ogrodje jemljejo vprašalnik o procesu literarnega pisanja, ki so ga izpolnili nekateri izmed slovenskih avtorjev, večinoma prozaisti. Ob premišljanju podanih odgovorov se magistrska naloga, opirajoč na Barthesovo delo Variacije o pisavi sprašuje, kako se razlikujeta rokopis ter računalniški tipkopis ter kakšne posledice imajo te spremembe za ontološki status pisave, s tem pa, preko spremenjenega procesa literarnega pisanja, tudi ontološki status literature. Podobno je preko Barthesa obravnavan tudi odnos do pisalnega stroja kot pisateljskega pripomočka, duktusa, ki je v digitalni dobi prešel z avtorja na napravo ter - nikakor ne nazadnje - telesa pišočega. Zadnja poglavja prinašajo konkretnejšo analizo odgovorov sodelujočih avtorjev ter premislek (ob naslanjanju na Strehovca ter Juvana (posredno na Bahtina ter Kristevo) združevanja oz. zbliževanja branja ter pisanja v digitalni dobi. Tezo zaključi krajša analiza različnih pojavov, ki se nanašajo na medbesedilnost v digitalni dobi.

Keywords:digitalna doba, elektronski mediji, leposlovje, literarno pisanje, pisateljska tehnika, pisateljski postopki, medbesedilnost, digitalna literatura, bolonjski magisterij
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Radaljac]
Number of pages:69, [7] f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100288 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:58467170 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.03.2018
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The following thesis deals with ways in which the rise of electronic devices and digital media have influenced the process of literary writing. First chapter contains a rough presentation of different digital literatures and questions relations between printed and digital forms of literary arts. The following chapters are based on a questionaire regarding writing process, that was answered by some of the Slovenian authors, mostly prosaists. Whilst reflecting the given answers, the thesis also, based on Barthes' work Variations sur l'écriture, questions the difference between handwriting and digital manuscript while following potential consequences that can be seen in the ontological status of writing and consequently literature. Barthes' work also serves as a starting point to reflect one's relation towards the typewriter (as one of the writing accessories) and the transition of ductus which moved from the author towards the machine and - last but not least - towards the body of the writer, due to the rise of digital era. Concluding chapters are dedicated to the extensive analysis of answers given by the participating authors and (based on writings by Strehovec and Juvan (whose writings are linked with the thoughts of Bakhtin and Kristeva)) to the processes in which, due to the advancement of digital media, the acts of writing and reading start to converge or even combine. The thesis concludes with a short analysis of different phenomenons regarding intertextuality in digital era.

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