
Javne službe na področju zdravstvene dejavnosti
ID Jotanović, Vanja (Author), ID Pirnat, Rajko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 94AA2621CE69D5DAA60F72495B670DE2
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/2a8128ee-5157-46ab-8f34-79d1a078a4b6

Ureditev učinkovitih in uspešnih zdravstvenih sistemov, ki prebivalstvu zagotavljajo pravično, solidarno in dostopno zdravstveno varnost, je področje s katerim se srečuje vsaka državna ureditev. Za zagotavljanje solidarne dostopnosti do zdravstvenih storitev je v Republiki Sloveniji prevladala oblika javnega zdravstva, v okviru katerega izvajalci na neprofiten način skušajo zagotavljati javni interes državljanov. Javna zdravstvena dejavnost se izvaja v okviru javne zdravstvene mreže, kot izvajalci pa so oblikovani javni zdravstveni zavodi. Zakon o zdravstveni dejavnosti poleg javnih zdravstvenih zavodov, kot izvajalce določa še pravne osebe s posebnim dovoljenjem za izvajanje dejavnosti oziroma koncesijo. Staranje prebivalstva, razvoj medicinske tehnologije, nihanja v gospodarstvu, pomanjkanje kadra, dolge čakalne dobe, pomanjkljivosti v ureditvi poslovanja javnih zavodov in številne druge težave pa hromijo zdravstveni sistem Republike Slovenije. Prevelika odvisnost zdravstvene blagajne od izplačanih plač zavarovancem hromi tudi finančno stabilnost in vzdržnost zdravstvenega sistema. Zaradi težnje po ohranjanju javnega zdravstva na eni strani in dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na enakopravnost in dostopnost na drugi strani, je naš zdravstveni sistem potreben celovite reforme.

Keywords:javna služba, zdravstvena dejavnost, zdravstvena varnost, javni zdravstveni zavod, koncesija, zdravstveni sistem, čakalne dobe, finančna stabilnost, finančna vzdržnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100249 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16095825 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.03.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Public services in the healthcare field
The regulation of effective and successful health systems that provide fair, affordable, and solidarity healthcare to the population, is an area of operation that every state organization encounters. In order to ensure better access to healthcare services, the public health care system prevailed in the Republic of Slovenia within the framework of which nonprofit providers seek to ensure the public interest of citizens. Public health care is carried out within the framework of the public health network, and public health institutions are established as providers. In addition to public health institutions, the Health Care Act also provides for legal entities with special permission for the implementation of activities or concessions as health care providers. Aging population, development of medical technology, fluctuations in the economy, lack of staff, long waiting times, deficiencies in the regulation of the operation of public institutions and many other problems are undermining the health care system of the Republic of Slovenia. The excessive dependence of the healthcare fund on the paid wages to the insured also laments financial stability and the sustainability of the health care system. Because of the tendency to maintain public health care on the one hand, and factors that affect equality and accessibility on the other hand, our health system needs comprehensive reforms.

Keywords:public service, health care, health security, public health care institution, concession, health system, waiting times, financial stability, financial sustainability

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