
ID MIKULETIČ, MATJAŽ (Author), ID Pevcin, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 01EB43C5AF33CE805A122EDAF7FB2450
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b5c4a6b3-f0a7-4da3-a9f4-17c425c1d1ad

Zadnja svetovna kriza, ki se je leta 2007 najprej začela v Združenih državah Amerike, je postala globalna, ko se je leta 2008 razširila še v države Evropske unije in Slovenijo. Problemski okvir diplomskega dela se nanaša na analizo in mednarodno primerjavo reform javnega sektorja v času zadnje svetovne krize, ki so jih morale sprejeti slovenska vlada in druge izbrane države iz EU. Namen dela je analizirati reformo slovenskega javnega sektorja v obdobju zadnje krize in jo mednarodno primerjati z ostalimi izbranimi državami EU. Ta problem sem raziskal zato, ker me tema zanima in ker na Fakulteti za upravo doslej še ni bil analiziran v nobenem diplomskem delu. Pri pisanju dela sem si pomagal z raznimi slovenskimi in tujimi viri, knjigami, članki, raziskovalnimi poročili in zakoni. Za iskanje virov sem uporabil tudi svetovni splet. Uporabil sem deduktivno pot oz. tehniko raziskovanja, ki pomeni raziskovanje od splošnih zakonitosti k posameznim značilnostim. Slovenska reforma javnega sektorja v času krize ni v celoti podobna drugim državam EU, ker je kriza v teh državah spodbudila uvajanje reformnih načel, ki temeljijo na novem javnem managementu, v Sloveniji pa je prispevala k bolj centraliziranemu načinu javnega upravljanja. Med varčevalnimi ukrepi v javnih sektorjih evropskih držav je bilo vseeno veliko podobnosti. Slovenija je uspešno izstopila iz krize, ker je njena gospodarska rast v letu 2014 presegla 2,5 odstotka bruto domačega proizvoda. To pomeni, da se je takrat v Sloveniji uradno končala gospodarska kriza, vendar bomo njene posledice še vedno čutili in jih bomo poskušali odpraviti v prihodnjih letih.

Keywords:gospodarska kriza, finančna kriza, javni sektor, reforme javnega sektorja, varčevalni ukrepi, analiza, mednarodna primerjava
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100212 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.03.2018
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The recent world economic crisis, which first started in 2007 in the United States of America, has become global by spreading across the European Union Member States and Slovenia in 2008. The thesis focuses on the analysis and international comparison of the public sector reforms during the economic crisis, which were adopted by the governments of selected countries in the European Union. The purpose of the thesis is therefore to analyse the Slovenian public sector reform adopted during the crisis and compare it internationally with the other selected EU countries. I investigated this issue because of my interest in this topic and because it has not been analysed in any of the theses submitted to the Faculty of Administration so far. In the course of writing the thesis, I used various Slovenian and foreign sources, books, articles, research reports, and laws. I also used the Internet to search for sources. I used a deductive approach or research technique, which first analyses the general legalities and then shifts the focus to individual characteristics. The Slovenian public sector reform introduced in times of crisis is not that similar to the reforms in other EU Member States, as the crisis in these countries encouraged the introduction of the principles of the reform based on the new public management. However, the reform in Slovenia has contributed to a more centralized mode of public governance. Nevertheless, there were still a lot of similarities among the austerity measures in the public sectors of European countries. Slovenia has successfully overcome the crisis of 2014, because the economic growth in Slovenia has exceeded 2.5 percent of the gross domestic product. This means that at that time, the economic crisis in Slovenia has officially ended, but we will still feel its consequences and will try to tackle them in the years to come.

Keywords:economic crisis, financial crisis, public sector, public sector reforms, austerity measures, analysis, international comparison

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