
Vpliv nevroznanosti na dokazovanje v kazenskem postopku
ID Matjašec, Laura (Author), ID Gorkič, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: DDE196355B81E1448F5304731FD64950
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/2fb0bdff-b286-4332-91fc-cc86f0a713c3

Živimo v času hitrega razvoja in medsebojnega povezovanja različnih področij. Razvija se medicina, tehnologija, naše razumevanje sveta. Eno od hitro razvijajočih se področij je nevroznanost, ki ima med drugim velik potencial vplivati na pravo; v nalogi se bom osredotočila predvsem na vpliv nevroznanosti na kazensko procesno pravo. V magistrskem delu sem predstavila nevroznanstvene metode, ki se uporabljajo v kazenskem postopku. Zaenkrat sta najbolj pogosti dve, in sicer zaznavanje laži ter tako imenovani možganski prstni odtisi, ki iščejo informacije v možganih posameznika. Opisala sem možnosti, ki jih predstavljata navedeni metodi v dokaznem postopku, ter metodi skušala uvrstiti v obstoječ sistem dokazovanja ter opredeliti njuno dokazno naravo. Poglobila sem se v obstoječe procesne pravice obdolženca v kazenskem postopku in v vprašanja, kako se nevroznanstvene metode (ne)skladajo z njimi ter predstavila druge pomisleke glede uporabe nevroznanstvenih metod v kazenskem postopku. Kot sem dognala, je največja težava nevroznanstvenih metod v tem trenutku ta, da še niso dovolj raziskane, razvite ter zanesljive, da bi imele prosto pot v sodne dvorane. Druga velika težava pa je njihova neskladnost oziroma že kar nasprotovanje obstoječim temeljnim pravicam, ki jih obdolžencem v kazenskem postopku zagotavlja že ustava. Kljub trenutnim pomanjkljivostim nevroznanstvenih metod lahko ob nadaljnjem razvoju nevroznanosti ter sočasnem spreminjanju pravne ureditve kazenskega postopka pričakujemo konkretnejšo povezanost teh dveh področij v prihodnosti. Menim, da bodo nevroznastvene metode postale bolj zanesljive in s tem pridobile večjo težo v kazenskem postopku.

Keywords:nevroznanost, dokaz, kazenski postopek, možganski prstni odtisi, zaznavanje laži, procesne pravice
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-100113 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.03.2018
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Title:Influence of neuroscience on proving in criminal procedure
We live in a time of fast development and interconnection in different fields. The medicine, technology and our understanding of the world are developing. One of the fast developing fields is neuroscience which among other things has a great potential of affecting the law; in my thesis I will focus mainly on the influence of neuroscience on the criminal law. In the master's thesis I have presented neuroscientific methods which are used in criminal procedure. So far there are two most common techinues: lie detection and brain fingerprinting. The latter searching for information in human brain. I have described the presented methodes and their possibe use in evidentary hearing and tried to place the methods in the existing evidentiary system and define their probative nature. I have immersed into the questions of the existing procedural rights of the defendant in criminal procedure and on the questions how the neuroscientific methods do (not) comply with them and presented other concerns about the use of neuroscientific methods in criminal procedure. As I have found out, the biggest problem of neuroscientific methods at the moment is that they are still not sufficiently researched, developed and reliable to have a free way into the courtrooms. Another big issue is their inconsistency, respectively they are objecting existing fundamental rights that the Slovenian Constitution already provides for the defendants in criminal procedure. Despite current shortcomings of neuroscientific methods, with a further development of neuroscience and a simultaneous change in the legal systems of criminal procedures, we can expect a more concrete connection between these two areas in the future. I believe that neuroscientific methods will become more reliable and thus gain importance in criminal procedure.

Keywords:neuroscience, evidence, criminal procedure, brain fingerprinting, lie detection, procedural rights

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