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24. A perception of the ideal child
Nada Turnšek, 2001, other component parts

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25. Les v kreiranju spodbudnega učnega okolja
Nina Rahne, 2021, undergraduate thesis

Keywords: vrtec
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27. Early childhood education and care in Europe
Nada Turnšek, Marcela Batistič-Zorec, 2009, treatise, preliminary study, study

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28. Vrtec - prostor aktivnega demokratičnega državljanstva
Nada Turnšek, 2009, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: predšolski otrok, državljanska vzgoja, učni cilj
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30. An inclusive Europe
Nada Turnšek, Helle Hinge, Despina Karakatsani, 2009, dictionary, encyclopaedia, lexicon, manual, atlas, map

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