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194. Dinamika zalog ogljika v lesnih izdelkih v Sloveniji
Mitja Piškur, Miha Humar, 2010, original scientific article

Keywords: dinamika zalog ogljika, lesni izdelki, Slovenija
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196. Kurilnost razkrojenega lesa
Živa Krelj, Miha Humar, 2010, original scientific article

Keywords: kurilnost, glive razkrojevalke, les
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197. Termiti - nevarni škodljivci tudi v Sloveniji?
Franc Pohleven, Miha Humar, 2000, review article

Keywords: termiti, Slovensko primorje
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198. Lignin smrekovega lesa
Vesna Tišler, Miha Humar, 1999, review article

Keywords: smrekov lignin, lignin
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199. Izbrane lastnosti sto let stare bukovine
Mojca Žlahtič, Nejc Thaler, Miha Humar, 2013, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: star les, mehanske lastnosti, bukev, sorpcijske lastnosti
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200. Properties of wood ceramics prepared from thermo-modified poplar
Hongyan Chen, Mohsen Bahmani, Miha Humar, Dali Cheng, 2020, original scientific article

Keywords: WCS, thermo-modified wood, SEM, XRD, FTIR
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