
Analiza požarne varnosti Kristalne palače na podlagi optimiziranega modela BIM : magistrsko delo
ID Semič, Dejan (Author), ID Hozjan, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Cerovšek, Tomo (Comentor)

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Magistrsko delo na celovit način obravnava požarno varnost v visokih stavbah. Analiza požarne varnosti je narejena na primeru stolpnice Kristalna palača, ki je danes z 89 metri najvišja stavba v Sloveniji (2016). Izdelan je model BIM (Archicad), uporabljen v programu za požarno (PyroSim) in evakuacijsko analizo (Pathfinder). Pri tem je model BIM optimiziran do te mere, da je lahko neposredno uporaben v programih za požarno in evakuacijsko analizo. Študija požarne varnosti Kristalne palače je izdelana na podlagi zadnje veljavne slovenske zakonodaje in tehnične smernice TSG-1-001:2010 ter smernice za visoke stavbe MHHR (Muster-Hochhaus-Richtlinie, 2008). Prikazana je primerjava v tem delu izdelane študije z obstoječo študijo, ki je bila narejena na podlagi švicarske smernice VKF. Na podlagi študije je izdelan tudi izkaz požarne varnosti za obravnavano stavbo. Pri požarni analizi so v računalniškem programu PyroSim analizirane tri ključne (referenčne) etaže. Pri tem so v modelu vključeni in analizirani vsi požarni sistemi, ki se nahajajo v analiziranih požarnih sektorjih (etažah), in sicer: sistem avtomatskega odkrivanja in javljanja požara, sprinklerski sistem, mehanski odvod dima in toplote ter naravni odvod dima in toplote. Rezultati širjenja dima po etaži so upoštevani pri analizi evakuacije v računalniškem programu Pathfinder, kjer je analizirana hitrost evakuacije iz stavbe. Podrobno pa je predstavljen (analiziran) tudi pomen dvigala za gasilce. Na koncu je prikazana še analiza varnostne razsvetljave v referenčni etaži, narejena v računalniškem programu DIALux. Za potrebe predstavitve ključnih rezultatov analiz je bila v računalniškem programu Lumion narejena tudi video animacija.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, PyroSim, Pathfinder, Archicad, evakuacija, študija požarne varnosti, sprinkler sistem, odvod dima
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Semič]
Number of pages:XXVI, 136 str., [7] pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-87975 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7736417 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.12.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Fire safety analysis of the Crystal Palace based on optimized BIM model
This master's thesis comprehensively explores fire safety in high-rise buildings. A fire safety analysis was performed on a model of the Crystal Palace skyscraper, which, at 89 meters, is the tallest building in Slovenia today (2016). A BIM model of the entire building was generated (Archicad) to be used with the software for fire (PyroSim) and evacuation analysis (Pathfinder). The BIM model of the building was optimized in a way it could be directly imported into the software for fire and evacuation analysis. The fire safety analysis of the Crystal Palace was performed in line with the most recent applicable Slovenian laws, and technical guidelines TSG-1-001:2010 and MHHR (Muster-Hochhaus-Richtlinie, 2008). Furthermore, a comparison of the fire study performed as a part of this thesis and an existing study that was carried out in accordance with the Swiss VKF guidelines is presented. The study data were also used to prepare a fire safety statement for the concerned building. In the scope of the fire analysis,three key (reference) floors were analyzed using PyroSim software. All fire systems which are located in the studied fire compartments (floors) were taken into account in the numerical model, i.e. the automatic fire detection and fire alarm system, fire sprinkler system, mechanical smoke extraction system and natural smoke and heat extraction system. The results of the spread of smoke over the floor were taken into account in the evacuation analysis in Pathfinder which was used to analyze the speed of evacuation from the building. Furthermore, the importance of the fireman’s elevator is also presented (analysed) in the numerical studies. The last part of the thesis is dedicated to the analysis of the security lighting on the reference floor which was performed in DIALux. In order to present the key results of the analyses, a video animation was created in Lumion.

Keywords:civil engineering, master of science thesis, PyroSim, Pathfinder, Archicad, evacuation, fire safety study, sprinkler system, smoke extraction

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