
Tlak in vzgon v nacionalnem preverjanju znanja : magistrsko delo
ID Podgorelec, Mateja (Author), ID Bajc, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/2562 This link opens in a new window

Prvi del magistrskega dela sestoji iz pregleda letnih poročil Državnega izpitnega centra za vsa leta, ko se je preverjalo znanje fizike. V delu zberemo naloge v povezavi z vzgonom in tlakom in pogledamo, v katera barvna območja težavnosti se uvrščajo in katere od teh nalog so učencem delale največ težav. Iz analize rezultatov sklepamo, koliko znanja o omenjenih vsebinah si učenci pridobijo med osnovnim šolanjem. V glavnem delu magistrskega dela podrobno analiziramo dve nalogi s področja vzgona in tlaka, ki so ju učenci reševali na nacionalnem preverjanju znanja iz fizike leta 2012. Oblikujemo razrede, v katere razvrščamo odgovore nekaj sto učencev. Iz pogostosti značilnih nepravilnih odgovorov ugotavljamo razloge za neuspešnost teh učencev. Naloge, ki preverja razumevanje vzgona, so se učenci večinoma že na začetku lotili napačno. Namesto, da bi izračunali silo vzgona, so izračunali neko številko z raznimi kombinacijami danih podatkov in preprostih računskih operacij ter rezultatu pripisali enoto newton. Ugotovili smo tudi, da velik del učencev ne zna zapisati pogoja za ravnovesje sil. Naloge, ki preverja razumevanje tlaka, se je večina učencev lotila pravilno, le malo pa jih je prišlo do končne pravilne rešitve. Razlog je bil največkrat ta, da so pri računanju uporabili napačno površino. Pomembna ugotovitev je tudi, da veliko učencev tlak enači s silo, kar se vidi iz napačne uporabe enot. To kaže na nerazumevanje pojma tlaka.

Keywords:nacionalno preverjanje znanja, analiza odgovorov
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[M. Podgorelec]
Number of pages:51 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-69199 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10259785 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Pressure and buoyancy in the national assessment of knowledge
In the first part of the master thesis a review of the annual reports of the National examinations centre for all the years, in which the knowledge of physics was assessed, is presented. We collect problems related to buoyancy and pressure and distribute them according to the difficulty classes they are classified in. We are focusing on the problems, which seem to be the most difficult for the pupils. From the analysis of the results we conclude how much knowledge about these topics pupils gain in the primary school. In the main part of the master thesis we analyse in detail two problems, related to buoyancy and pressure that were included in the National assessment of knowledge of physics in the year 2012. We design classes into which we distribute answers of a few hundred pupils. From the frequencies of typical incorrect answers we try to understand why these pupils did not solve the problem correctly. In the problem related to the understanding of buoyancy, most of the pupils started the wrong way from the very beginning. Instead of calculating the force of buoyancy, pupils calculated some number using a random combination of data provided and simple arithmetic operations. At the end they usually added to the numerical result the correct unite for force – the newton. We have also found out, that the majority of pupils do not write correctly the condition for the equilibrium of forces. In the problem related to the understanding of pressure, most of the pupils started correctly, but only a few obtained the correct final result. In most of the cases the reason for that was that pupils used the wrong surface in the calculation. An important finding is also that a lot of pupils equate pressure and force, which we deduce from the incorrect use of units. This indicates a lack of understanding of the concept of pressure.

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