3. Momentum effect in frontier capital marketsNejc Orel, 2013, magistrsko delo Ključne besede: finančni trg, trg kapitala, kapital, investicije, vedenjske finance, psihologija, opcije, strategija, donos, stroški, tveganje, financial market, capital market, capital, investments, behavioral finance, psychology, options, strategy, yield, costs, risk Celotno besedilo (povezava drugam) |
4. COVID-19 lockdown distress, but not the infection concerns, shape psychological functioning during the pandemicAndreja Avsec, Gaja Zager Kocjan, Tina Kavčič, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: pandemics, epidemics, coronavirus, COVID-19, psychology, stress, coping behavior, psychological needs, the basic psychological need satisfaction and frustration scale BPNSFS, the perceived stress scale PSS, mental health continuum - short form MHC-SF, COVID-19 pandemic, COVID-19-related stressors, basic psychological needs, psychological functioning, mediation Celotno besedilo (povezava drugam) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
5. Reflective mimesis and ethics of the cross in the mimetic theory of Rene Girard: towards an inclusive humanismAnthony Ekpunobi, 2020, doktorska disertacija Ključne besede: mimesis, mimetic theory, memetic desire, triangular desire, interdividuality, pharmakon, Interdividual psychology, self of desire, unconscious, tacit knowing, recognition, misrecognition, alertness, reflection, reflective mimesis Celotno besedilo (datoteka, 1,98 MB) |
6. Experiencing DalmatiaMaja Kljenak, Slavko Kurdija, Marko Polič, Mojca Golobič, 2013, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: krajinska identiteta, krajina, dojemanje okolja, zaznavanje, dojemanje, prostor, identiteta, okolje, občutki, Dalmacija, okoljska psihologija, environment, environment psychology, perception, lanscape, identity, Dalmatia Celotno besedilo (povezava drugam) |
7. Measurement invariance of the CD-RISC-10 across gender, age, and educationTina Kavčič, Gaja Zager Kocjan, Petra Dolenc, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: Connor-Davidson resilience scale CD-RISC-10, resilience (psychological), personality psychology, measurement invariance, well being, emotions, group comparison, Mental health continuum - short form MHC-SF, Depression, anxiety and stress scale DASS21, gender, age, education Celotno besedilo (datoteka, 386,29 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
8. Measurement invariance of the subjective happiness scale across countries, gender, age, and timeGaja Zager Kocjan, Paul Easton Jose, Gregor Sočan, Andreja Avsec, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: positive psychology, Subjective Happiness Scale, SHS, happiness, well-being, measurement invariance, longitudinal measurement invariance, group comparison, group diffrences, Temporal Satisfaction with Life Scale, TSWLS Celotno besedilo (datoteka, 159,76 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
10. The influence of a psychological contract on the employment outcomeAjda Biber, 2014, magistrsko delo Ključne besede: trg delovne sile, zaposlovanje, organizacijska psihologija, pogodbe, delodajalci, delavci, zadovoljstvo, labour market, employment, organizational psychology, contracts, employers, workers, satisfaction Celotno besedilo (povezava drugam) |