1. Consumer willingness to pay for craft beer in SloveniaVid Vodopivec, 2020, master's thesis Keywords: Slovenia, brewery, small enterprises, development, trends, price, consumer behaviour, supply, analysis Full text (outside link) |
2. Ocena tržne vrednosti enostanovanjske hiše na različnih lokacijahMaja Pavlin, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, UNI, diplomska dela, komunalni prispevek, nezazidano stavbno zemljišče, oglaševana cena, prodajna cena, GIG, graduation thesis, geodesy, GIG, public utilities fee, construction land, advertised price, selling price Full text (file, 1,19 MB) |
3. Uporaba različnih vrst podatkov za oceno tržne vrednosti enostanovanjske hiše v občini Mirna PečTjaša Sovič, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, UNI, diplomska dela, GIG, oglaševana cena, prodajna cena, tržna vrednost, enostanovanjska hiša, graduation thesis, geodesy, GIG, advertised price, selling price, market value, single family house Full text (file, 1,25 MB) |
4. Analiza razvoja cen zemljišč v Občini IgNina Kepic, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, diplomska dela, cena zemljišča, analiza cen zemljišč, razvojne stopnje zemljišča, graduation thesis, civil engineering, land price, land prices analysis, stages of land devolpment Full text (file, 1,72 MB) This document has more files! More... |
5. Razmerje med prodajno ceno in odškodnino zaradi spremembe namembnosti kmetijskih zemljišč v občini LitijaZlato Bešič, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, OG-MO, diplomska dela, VS, prodajna cena kmetijskih zemljišč, raba zemljišč, odškodnina zaradi spremembe namembnosti kmetijskih zemljišč, zakonodaja, graduation thesis, geodesy, OG-MO, selling price of agricultural land, land use, compensation, change of use, Law on Agricultural Land Full text (file, 2,27 MB) |
6. The nexus of stock yields, economic activity and commodity pricesVladimir Nikolov, 2016, master's thesis Keywords: tržno gospodarstvo, trg, surovine, cena, delnice, donos, ekonomske dejavnosti, sredstva, modeli, statistika, analiza, market economy, market, raw materials, price, shares, yield, economic activities, assets, models, statistics, analysis Full text (outside link) |
7. The low volatility effect on stock market returns - a market anomaly or a risk factor?Laura Godler Čoh, 2016, master's thesis Keywords: capital market, stock exchange, trading, shares, price, changes, yield, models, research, analysis Full text (outside link) |
9. Analysis of heterogeneity in the EMU using dynamic factor modelsMarko Glažar, 2016, doctoral dissertation Keywords: EU, EMU, euro, gospodarska gibanja, cikli, predelovalna industrija, produkcija, dinamični modeli, cena, inflacija, mednarodne primerjave, analiza, EU, EMU, euro, economic flows, business cycles, processing industry, production, dynamic models, price, inflation, international comparisons, analysis Full text (outside link) |
10. Proposal of real estate mass valuation in Slovenia based on generalised additive modelling approachMelita Ulbl, Miroslav Verbič, Anka Lisec, Marko Pahor, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: real property market, apartments, market value, mass valuation, models, Slovenia, GAM, SPAR, sale price Full text (outside link) This document has more files! More... |