1. Robustni pristopi k vizualnemu učenju in razpoznavanju na osnovi podprostorovDanijel Skočaj, 2003, doctoral dissertation Keywords: visual learning, robust learning, robust recognition, weighted learning, missing pixels, incremental learning, subspace methods, principal component analysis, appearance-based modeling, view centred approach, computer vision, dissertations Full text (file, 2,64 MB) |
3. Computational approaches for gene network discoveryTomaž Curk, 2007, doctoral dissertation Keywords: machine learning, bioinformatics, visualization, rule-based clustering, gene networks, functional genomics, modeling regulation of gene expression, decomposition of gene expression profile signatures, dissertations Full text (file, 1,64 MB) |
4. Segmentation and 3D tracking of superquadric modeled objectsJaka Krivic, 2006, doctoral dissertation Keywords: modeliranje po delih, superkvadriki, globinske slike, razpoznavanje objektov, 3D sledenje objektom, disertacije, superquadrics, part-level object modeling, range images, object recognition, 3D object tracking Full text (file, 2,68 MB) |
5. Oblikovanje trirazsežnih kartografskih znakov za vzpostavitev abstraktne 3D upodobitve mesta PragaBoštjan Vidmar, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, TUN, diplomska dela, VSŠ, abstrakcija, modeliranje, 3D kartografski znaki, trirazsežnost, mesto Praga, kartografska generalizacija, graduation thesis, geodesy, TUN, abstraction, modeling, 3D cartographic symbols, threedimension, Prague city, cartographic generalization Full text (file, 2,47 MB) |
6. Obvoznica na relaciji Horjul-Koreno (JP 568051, Plaz križišče Koreno-Prosca)Blaž Prosen, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, diplomska dela, obvoznica, nevaren cestni odsek, vrednotenje variant, horizontalni potek, vertikalni potek, 3D modeliranje, graduation thesis, civil engineering, bypass, dangerous section of road, evaluation of alternatives, the alignment, the profile, 3D modeling Full text (file, 4,85 MB) |
7. Upravljanje večstanovanjskih stavb v občini Škofja LokaAlenka Mohorič, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, diplomska dela, večstanovanjska stavba, upravljanje, vzdrževanje, obnova, upravnik, graduation thesis, civil engineering, multi-dwelling buildng, management, maintenance, refurbishment, manager, 3D modeling Full text (file, 1,15 MB) |
9. Uporaba 3D-tiska v gradbeništvuLovro Gorše, 2014, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, diplomska naloga, UNI, 3D-tisk, ciljno nalaganje, Fused Deposition Modeling, Fused Filament Fabrication, Contour Crafting Full text (file, 5,36 MB) |
10. RANS versus Scale Resolved approach for modeling turbulent flow in continuous casting of steelJurij Gregorc, Ajda Kunavar, Božidar Šarler, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: continuous casting of steel, billet, water model experiment, particle image velocimetry, computational fluid dynamics, turbulence modeling, Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations, large eddy simulation, validation, PIV measurements, CFD, RANS, LES Full text (file, 3,21 MB) This document has more files! More... |