1. Trženje stanovanjskih nepremičninDanijel Taradi, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, TUN, diplomska dela, VSŠ, nepremičnina, trg nepremičnin, trenje, analiza trga, trženjski splet, tržne poti, graduation thesis, geodesy, TUN, real estate, real estate market, marketing, market analysis, marketing mix, marketing channels Full text (file, 1,60 MB) |
2. Vpliv prostorskih izvedbenih pogojev na uspešnost investiranja v enostanovanjsko hišo v občini MislinjaLavra Borovnik, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, diplomska dela, GIG, analiza trga nepremičnin, enostanovanjska hiša, nezazidano stavbno zemljišče, faktor izrabe zemljišča, graduation thesis, geodesy, GIG, real estate market analysis, residential house, new vacant building land, floor space index Full text (file, 1,34 MB) |
3. Zemljiška politika v občini Radlje ob DraviJasmina Šantl, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, diplomska dela, GIG, zemljiška politika, stavbno zemljišče, analiza trga nezazidanih stavbnih zemljišč, gradbeno dovoljenje, graduation thesis, geodesy, GIG, land policy, construction land, real estate market analysis, building permit Full text (file, 2,39 MB) |
6. The effect of COVID-19 on the Airbnb and housing market in SloveniaNastasja Petrović, 2021, master's thesis Keywords: Slovenia, real estate, market, tourism, Airbnb, trends, pandemic, Covid-19, analysis Full text (outside link) |