2. Should there be a shift from printed to electronic collections?Besa Hysa, 2012, magistrsko delo Ključne besede: academic libraries, Albania, electronic resource, collection management, bibliography, survey, engeenering students, academic staff, masters thesis Celotno besedilo (datoteka, 1,99 MB) |
5. What can school libraries do to enhance reading among students?Shkëlqim Psatha, 2012, magistrsko delo Ključne besede: school libraries, Albania, high school students, leisure time, enhance reading, survey, masters thesis Celotno besedilo (datoteka, 590,71 KB) |
6. Evaluation of e-mail reference service in University Donja Gorica libraryTamara Tomić, 2012, magistrsko delo Ključne besede: e-mails, reference service, digital reference service, university libraries, library users, masters thesis, Montenegro Celotno besedilo (datoteka, 1,52 MB) |
7. Stakeholders and public library missionEdlira Macaj, 2012, magistrsko delo Ključne besede: public libraries, Albania, stakeholders, library mission, case study, Public library manifesto, masters thesis Celotno besedilo (datoteka, 956,98 KB) |
9. Coherent Label Placement for 3D Exploded ViewRok Kogovšek, 2018, magistrsko delo/naloga Ključne besede: information interfaces, presentation, 3D labeling, label readability, visualization layout, explosion diagram, graphical user interface, interactive user interface, clustering, open-source 3D model libraries, user experience evaluation, eye-tracking based evaluation Celotno besedilo (datoteka, 23,70 MB) |
10. Information literacy of doctoral students in engineering and the librarianʼs roleTeja Koler-Povh, Žiga Turk, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: academic libraries, PhD students, information literacy course, applied science, engineering, Slovenia Celotno besedilo (datoteka, 453,83 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |