Keywords: laser induced waves, agar gel, high-speed camera, laser-beam-deflection probe, medical optics and biotechnology, laser induced ultrasonics, imaging systems, image recognition, algorithms and filters, cameras, lasers, erbiumFull text (file, 5,10 MB) This document has more files! More...
Keywords: laser ablation, cavitation bubble, laser-beam-transmission probeFull text (file, 358,40 KB)
Keywords: laser beam transmission probe, Er:YAG lasers, laser endodonticsFull text (file, 917,62 KB)
Keywords: optical fiber sensors, pressure measurement, measurement by laser beam, electric breakdown, sonar equipment, fiber lasers, optical fibers, fiber optic probe hydrophone, pressure, shockwaveFull text (file, 2,45 MB) This document has more files! More...