3. Methylmercury inhibits growth and induces membrane changes in Pseudomonas putidaMaša Vodovnik, Mirjana Bistan, Maša Zorec, Romana Marinšek-Logar, 2010, original scientific article Keywords: micorbiology, environmental protection, bacteria, Pseudomonas putida, aquatic ecosystems, pollution, mercury, methylmercury, growth inhibition, membrane adaptation, cis-trans isomerization Full text (outside link) |
5. Analiza stroškov rabe vode v izbranih lokalnih skupnostihKatja Čerkez, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, UNI, obvezne lokalne gospodarske javne službe varstva okolja, oskrba s pitno vodo, odvajanje in čiščenje komunalne odpadne vode, cene komunalnih storitev, okoljske dajatve, civil engineering, UNI, mandatory local public services of environmental protection, water supply services, drainage and treatment of waste water, the prices of municipial services, environmental taxes Full text (file, 6,14 MB) |
8. Energy production mix in the EUMarco Stahlhacke, 2020, master's thesis Keywords: EU, energetics, renewable energy source, climate change, environmental protection, information, data mining, artificial intelligence, economic forecasting Full text (outside link) |
9. Application of sustainable development mechanism for environmental, economic and social development of Hindustan Paper Corporation LimitedKrishanu Dutta, 2008, master's thesis Keywords: Indija, papirna industrija, industrijsko podjetje, Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited, poslovanje podjetja, uspešnost poslovanja, varstvo okolja, tehnologija, razvoj, ekonomski razvoj, socialna varnost, analiza, India, pulp and paper industry, industrial enterprises, Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited, company performance, business efficiency, environmental protection, technology, development, economic development, social security, analysis Full text (outside link) |
10. Local sustainability of the European Union citiesGoran Mihajlovski, 2009, master's thesis Keywords: EU, mesta, ekonomski razvoj, uravnotežen razvoj, varstvo okolja, voda, varstvo zraka, energetika, obnovljivi viri energije, komunalne dejavnosti, strategija, trendi, EU, towns, economic development, sustainable development, environmental protection, water, air protection, energetics, renewable energy resources, municipal works, strategy, trends Full text (outside link) |