Keywords: educational system, business schools, learning, entrepreneurship, design thinking, innovativeness, innovations, research, analysisFull text (outside link)
Keywords: creativity, innovativeness, design, design thinking, problem solving, team work, enterprisesFull text (outside link)
Keywords: sustainable development goals, design and design thinking, self-directed learning, sustainable architecture, structural equation modelling, bootstrapping, higher education, thinkingFull text (file, 1,80 MB) This document has more files! More...
Keywords: entrepreneurship, enterprises, design thinking, organizational structure, business model, strategy, researchFull text (outside link)
Keywords: design cognition, design metacognition, design thinking, self-directed learning, innovative pedagogy, pre-service science, technology teacherFull text (file, 1,51 MB) This document has more files! More...
Keywords: green nudges, education, sustainable development, pedagogical design capacity, behavorial design, design thinking, Sustainable Development Goals, 12 SDGs, Education for Sustainable Development, ESDFull text (file, 2,75 MB) This document has more files! More...
Keywords: human-centered systems thinking, self-perceived digital competence levels, engagement, design thinking, inclusive and sustainable design, variable- and person-oriented researchFull text (file, 7,24 MB) This document has more files! More...