1. Extension of REBMIX algorithm to von Mises parametric family for modeling joint distribution of wind speed and directionX. W. Ye, P. S. Xi, Marko Nagode, 2019, original scientific article Keywords: structural health monitoring, wind field characteristics, joint probability density function, mixture estimation, REBMIX algorithm Full text (file, 2,59 MB) This document has more files! More... |
2. Vpliv prostorskih izvedbenih pogojev na uspešnost investiranja v enostanovanjsko hišo v občini PrevaljeNika Puc, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, diplomska dela, GIG, prostorski izvedbeni pogoji, enostanovanjska hiša, nezazidano stavbno zemljišče, komunalni prispevek, faktor zazidanosti, faktor izrabe zemljišča, graduation thesis, geodesy, GIG, implementing conditions, residential house, building land, municipal contribution, factor of settlement density, land use factor Full text (file, 1,40 MB) |
3. Modeliranje funkcionalnih regij s pomočjo podatkov gostote prometaAnže Pregrad, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, diplomska dela, TUN, funkcionalne regije, gostota prometa, metoda gostote jedra, metoda inverzne utežene razdalje, graduation thesis, geodesy, TUN, functional regions, traffic density, Kernel Density method, Inverse Distance Weighted method Full text (file, 3,21 MB) |
4. Samozgoščevalni betoni z agregatom iz ekspandirane glineAleš Miketič, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, diplomska dela, VSŠ, samozgoščevalni lahko agregatni beton, razlez s posedom, plastična viskoznost, napetost na meji tečenja, prostorninska masa, tlačna trdnost, graduation thesis, civil engineering, self compacting lightweight concrete, slump flow, plastic viscosity, yield stress, fresh concrete density, compressive strength Full text (file, 2,71 MB) |
5. The effects of habitat structure on red deer (Cervus elaphus) body massKlemen Jerina, 2007, original scientific article Keywords: red deer, body weight, habitat, evironmental factors, population density, forest edge, conifer, temperature, Slovenia Full text (file, 713,95 KB) |
6. Vpliv ultrahitre molekulske disociacije na Augerjev razpad vrzeli 2p na kloruMateja Hrast, 2024, doctoral dissertation Keywords: Auger decay, Density functional theory, Franck-Condon factor, Inner core-hole, One-center approximation, Potential energy curve, Resonant Auger spectrum, Ultrafast molecular dissociation Full text (file, 5,39 MB) |
7. Practice on creating a common reference concrete for "Round Robin Testing" programmes based on the experience from COST Action TU1404Marijana Serdar, Stéphanie Staquet, Dirk Schlicke, Emmanuel Rozière, Miguel Azenha, Sreejith Nanukuttan, Ivan Gabrijel, Özlem Cizer, Violeta Bokan-Bosiljkov, Aljoša Šajna, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: laboratory tests, "Round Robin Testing", cement-based materials, compressive strength, slump, air content, concrete temperature, fresh density, statistical analysis Full text (outside link) |
8. Exceptional dense water formation on the Adriatic shelf in the winter of 2012Hrvoje Mihanović, Ivica Vilibić, Sandro Carniel, M. Tudor, A. Russo, A. Bergamasco, N. Bubić, Z. Ljubešić, Damir Viličić, A. Boldrin, Vlado Malačič, Massimo Celio, Cinzia Comici, F. Raicich, 2013, original scientific article Keywords: sea, marine water, density, physical oceanography, dense water, water density, Adriatic sea, Mediterranean sea, Adriatic shelf Full text (outside link) |
9. New structural insights into saraines A, B, and C, macrocyclic alkaloids from the mediterranean sponge Reniera (Haliclona) saraiAndrea Defant, Ines Mancini, Lucija Raspor Dall'Olio, Graziano Guella, Tom Turk, Kristina Sepčić, 2011, original scientific article Keywords: natural products, alkaloids, nucleophilic addition, mass spectrometry, density functional calculations Full text (outside link) |