2. The influence of unconscious motives on decision-making of auditorsMina Ličen, 2013, master's thesis Keywords: računovodstvo, auditing, revizor, odločanje, motiviranje, razizskave, statistika, podatki, analiza, osebnost, psihologija Full text (outside link) |
6. Analiza mnenj revizorjev pred insolventnostjo in prenehanjem podjetijUrška Pikelj, 2014, master's thesis Keywords: Slovenija, računovodstvo, auditing, revizor, delniške družbe, podjetje, solventnost, stečaj, preizkušanje domnev, primeri, analiza Full text (outside link) |
8. The effect of corporate governance quality and alternative regulatory policies on earnings managementUjkan Q. Bajra, 2016, doctoral dissertation Keywords: Europe, USA, management, corporate governance, quality, income, financial reports, auditing, data, research Full text (outside link) |
9. The role of performance audit in mitigating the principal-agent problem in the governmentHazim Šabanović, 2019, master's thesis Keywords: Bosnia and Herzegovina, labour market, employment, youth, programmes, government, interpersonal ralations, auditing, analysis Full text (outside link) |
10. Forensic accounting vs fraud examination:Metka Tekavčič, Sandra Damijan, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: accounting, auditing, fraud, fraud examination, forensic accounting, fraud, fraud investigation Full text (file, 630,73 KB) This document has more files! More... |