1. Contribution of agricultural policy measures to maintain grassland areas (the case of Radensko Polje Landscape Park)Dubravka Žgavec, Klemen Eler, Andrej Udovč, Franc Batič, 2013, original scientific article Keywords: natural resources, agricultural policy, land policy, grasslands, landscape parks, sustainability, nature reserves, nature conservation, land use, biodiversity Full text (outside link) |
2. Vzpostavitev enotne evidence rabe zemljišč na podlagi bonitete zemljiščMarko Rotar, 2012, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, TUN, diplomska dela, VSŠ, raba zemljišč, boniteta zemljišč, dejanska raba zemljišč, namenska raba zemljišč, katastrska klasifikacija zemljišč, stavbno zemljišče, kmetijsko zemljišče, gozdno zemljišče, vrednotenje nepremičnin, načrtovanje prostora, socialna politika, davčna politika, graduation thesis, geodesy, TUN, land use, capability evaluation of land, actual land use, planning land use, cadastre classification of land, building plot, agricultural land, woodland valuation of real estate, spatial planning social policy, tax policy Full text (file, 3,52 MB) |
3. Analiza spremembe rabe zemljišč v podravski statistični regiji in na izbranih komasacijskih območjih v obdobju 2002-2012Mirjana Špalir, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, UNI, diplomska dela, zemljišče, kmetijsko zemljišče, dejanska raba, spreminjanje rabe zemljišč, podravska statistična regija, komasacija, graduation thesis, geodesy, land, agricultural land, existing land use, land use change, Podravska statistical region, land consolidation Full text (file, 2,36 MB) |
4. Analiza učinkov komasacij na izbranem komasacijskem območju v okolju GISJasmina Erjavec, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, UNI, diplomska dela, komasacija, kmetijska zemljišča, parcela, dostopnost, poljska cesta, kmetija, transportni strošek, Dravsko polje, graduation thesis, geodesy, land consolidation, agricultural land, land plot, accessibility, field road, farm, transpor cost, Dravsko polje Full text (file, 1,66 MB) |
5. Prostorska analiza trga kmetijskih zemljišč v Sloveniji v obdobju 2007-2011Klemen Stropnik, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, diplomska dela, GIG, kmetijska zemljišča, trg kmetijskih zemljišč, regresija, prostorska regresija, metoda najmanjših kvadratov, prostorsko utežena regresija, občine, Slovenija, graduation thesis, geodesy, GIG, agricultural land, agricultural land market, regression, spatial regression, ordinary least squares (OLS), geographically weighted regression (GWR), municipality, Slovenia Full text (file, 4,66 MB) |
6. Razmerje med prodajno ceno in odškodnino zaradi spremembe namembnosti kmetijskih zemljišč v občini LitijaZlato Bešič, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, OG-MO, diplomska dela, VS, prodajna cena kmetijskih zemljišč, raba zemljišč, odškodnina zaradi spremembe namembnosti kmetijskih zemljišč, zakonodaja, graduation thesis, geodesy, OG-MO, selling price of agricultural land, land use, compensation, change of use, Law on Agricultural Land Full text (file, 2,27 MB) |
7. Do the EUʼs Common agricultural policy funds negatively affect the diversity of farmland birds?Tanja Šumrada, Primož Kmecl, Emil Erjavec, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: farmland birds, land use change, common agricultural policy, agri-environment schemes, Natura 2000, boosted regression trees Full text (file, 10,16 MB) This document has more files! More... |
8. Protective restrictions on the acquisition of agricultural landMarius Aleknavičius, Audrius Aleknavičius, Jolanta Valciukiene, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: land management, agricultural land market, land market restrictions, market regulation, land privatisation, Lithuania Full text (file, 1,99 MB) |
9. Impact of sustainable land management practices on soil propertiesRok Mihelič, Jure Pečnik, Matjaž Glavan, Marina Pintar, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: land management, visual assessment, soil quality, agricultural management practice, organic farming, integrated farming Full text (file, 4,57 MB) This document has more files! More... |