2. Mnenje bodočih učiteljev (razrednega pouka) o rabi slovenskega knjižnega jezika pri poukuLara Godec Soršak, Mira Metljak, 2020, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Keywords: Pedagoška fakulteta, slovenski knjižni jezik, razredni pouk, Faculty of Education, Slovene standard language, primary teacher education Full text (file, 941,42 KB) This document has more files! More... |
3. Igra kot antropološka lastnost človeka in oblika družbene komunikacije s frazeološkega vidikaAleksandra Neřima, 2016, undergraduate thesis Keywords: igra, družabne igre, družbena komunikacija, socialna antropologija, frazeologija, frazemi, nemščina, slovenščina, diplomska dela, games, social games, social communication, social anthropology, phraseology, phraseological unit, German language, Slovene language Full text (file, 926,81 KB) |
5. The effects of grammatical gender on the processing of occupational role names in SloveneJasna Mikić, Andraž Matkovič, Jurij Bon, Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrčela, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: N400, P600, match-mismatch paradigm, grammatical gender, Slovene language, event-related potential (ERP) Full text (file, 5,35 MB) |