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1. Large-scale diversity and biogeography of benthic copepods in European waters G. Veit-Köhler, Mateja Grego, Borut Vrišer, 2010, original scientific article Keywords: morje, kopepodi, meiofavna, Harpacticoida, kopepodni rakci, Copepoda, MANUELA, razširjenost vrst, diverziteta, biodiverziteta, evropske vode, evropska morja, meiofauna, Harpacticoida, Copepoda, Copepods, Food concentration, biodiversity, European waters |
2. The impact of gravel extraction on hyporheic ecology: a case study of the Bača river (W Slovenia) Nataša Mori, 2008, doctoral dissertation Keywords: hyporheic invertebrate, Soča river, Bača river, hyporheic biota, benthic organisms, particulate organic matter, POM, fine sediment, ETS activity, electron transport system, sediments, Nematoda, Harpacticoida, Chironomidae, gravel extraction, environmental impact assessment |