1. Pool boiling performance of water and self-rewetting fluids on hybrid functionalized aluminum surfacesMatic Može, Viktor Vajc, Matevž Zupančič, Radek Šulc, Iztok Golobič, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: pool boiling, nucleate boiling, surface modification, functionalized surfaces, heat transfer enhancement, self-rewetting fluids Full text (file, 86,70 MB) This document has more files! More... |
3. The wall heat flux partitioning during the pool boiling of water on thin metallic foilsMatevž Zupančič, Peter Gregorčič, Mattia Bucci, Chi Wang, Gustavo Matana Aguiar, Matteo Bucci, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: nucleate boiling, thin metallic foils, surface laser micro-engineering, infrared thermometry, heat flux partitioning Full text (file, 7,54 MB) This document has more files! More... |
7. Enhanced nucleate boiling of Novec 649 on thin metal foils via laser-induced periodic surface structuresMatevž Zupančič, Donato Fontanarosa, Matic Može, Mattia Bucci, Matevž Vodopivec, Balasubramanian Nagarajan, Maria Rosaria Vetrano, Sylvie Castagne, Iztok Golobič, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: nucleate boiling, heat transfer enhancement, dielectric fluids, thin metallic foils, laser microstructuring, surface structures, laser induced periodic surface structures Full text (file, 6,73 MB) This document has more files! More... |
8. Pattern geometry optimization on superbiphilic aluminum surfaces for enhanced pool boiling heat transferMatic Može, Matevž Zupančič, Iztok Golobič, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: heat transfer, pool boiling, nucleate boiling, biphilic surfaces, surface engineering, critical heat flux, surface functionalization, heat transfer enhancement Full text (file, 3,35 MB) This document has more files! More... |
9. Razvoj trajnih superhidrofobnih kovinskih mrežic s kombinacijo laserske obdelave in nanosa polidimetilsiloksanaSimon Trobec, 2021, undergraduate thesis Keywords: superhidrofobnost, superhidrofilnost, laserska obdelava, inženiring površin, PDMS, aluminijaste površine, jeklene površine Full text (file, 6,30 MB) |