5. ZELENA PRISTANIŠČAJožef Šmid Guzej, 2020, bachelor thesis/paper Keywords: zelena pristanišča, trajnostni razvoj, vplivi na okolje, vplivi na zdravje, zmanjševanje emisij, ukrepi, alternativna goriva, ladijsko onesnaženje Full text (file, 671,58 KB) |
7. Development of competitive-cooperative relationships among Mediterranean cruise ports since 2000Vivien Lorenčič, Elen Twrdy, Milan Batista, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: cruise traffic, cruise ports, Mediterranean, market metrics, shift-share analysis, competition analysis Full text (file, 3,88 MB) This document has more files! More... |
8. SKLADIŠČENJE HITRO POKVARLJIVEGA BLAGA V PRISTANIŠČIHJernej Lazar, 2024, bachelor thesis/paper Keywords: logistika, skladiščenje, hitro pokvarljivo blago, pretovor, Luka Koper, terminal za generalne tovore, terminal za hlajene tovore, Luka Trst, primerjalna analiza Full text (file, 2,66 MB) |
10. The effect of port gate location and gate procedures on the port-city relationMarina Zanne, Elen Twrdy, Bojan Beškovnik, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: port gates, gate procedures, port-related truck traffic, external costs, port-city relation Full text (file, 3,53 MB) This document has more files! More... |