1. In vitro mammary gland modelJernej Ogorevc, Sonja Prpar Mihevc, Peter Dovč, 2009, original scientific article Keywords: goats, mammary gland, molecular genetics, cell culture, lactogenesis, caseins, expression, immunofluorescence Full text (outside link) |
2. Vpliv razmerja glukoza/fruktoza na potek alkoholne fermentacije s kvasovko Saccharomyces cerevisiaeSonja Prpar Mihevc, 2006, undergraduate thesis Keywords: kvasovke, vinske kvasovke, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, kemijsko definiran mošt, alkoholna fermentacija, glukoza, fruktoza, etanol, glikolitični encimi, heksokinaza, fosfofruktokinaza, piruvat kinaza Full text (file, 780,47 KB) |
4. The neurotropic black yeast Exophiala dermatitidis induces neurocytotoxicity in neuroblastoma cells and progressive cell deathTeja Lavrin, Tilen Konte, Rok Kostanjšek, Simona Sitar, Kristina Sepčić, Sonja Prpar Mihevc, Ema Žagar, Vera Župunski, Metka Lenassi, Boris Rogelj, Nina Gunde-Cimerman, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: neurotropic fungi, black yeasts, neurotropism, hydrocarbons, extracellular vesicles, Alzheimer’s disease, human neuroblastoma cells, SH-SY5Y, Exophiala dermatitidis Full text (file, 3,53 MB) This document has more files! More... |
5. Astrocytes with TDP-43 inclusions exhibit reduced noradrenergic cAMP and Ca$^2$$^+$ signaling and dysregulated cell metabolismJelena Velebit Marković, Anemari Horvat, Tina Smolič, Sonja Prpar Mihevc, Boris Rogelj, Robert Zorec, Nina Vardjan, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: astrocytes, cell metabolism, neurons Full text (file, 7,19 MB) This document has more files! More... |
6. Identifikacija in karakterizacija odraslih matičnih celic v mlečni žlezi koze (Capra hircus)Sonja Prpar Mihevc, 2014, doctoral dissertation Keywords: mlečna žleza, matične celice, genetika, genetski označevalci, transplantacija, koza, Capra hircus, disertacije Full text (file, 3,35 MB) |
8. Neural differentiation of canine mesenchymal stem cells/multipotent mesenchymal stromal cellsSonja Prpar Mihevc, Vesna Kokondoska Grgič, Andreja Nataša Kopitar, Luka Mohorič, Gregor Majdič, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells, mesenchymal stem cells, dogs, differentiation, neurons, astrocytes Full text (file, 6,89 MB) This document has more files! More... |
9. Treatment of canine cognitive dysfunction with novel butyrylcholinesterase inhibitorMaja Zakošek, Sonja Prpar Mihevc, Malan Štrbenc, Urban Košak, Ilija German Ilić, Jurij Trontelj, Simon Žakelj, Stanislav Gobec, Darja Pavlin, Gregor Majdič, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease, butyrylcholinesterase, butyrylcholinesterase inhibitor, canine cognitive dysfunction, canine dementia scale, dogs Full text (file, 1,34 MB) This document has more files! More... |