1. Razvoj analitske metode za določanje vsebnosti polikloriranih bifenilov v divjačinskem mesu različnih lokacijPolona Hribar, 2008, undergraduate thesis Keywords: divjačina, divjačinsko meso, meso jelenov, meso divjih prašičev, geografsko poreklo, Slovenija, Poljska, PCB, poliklorirani bifenili, pesticidi, maščobne kisline Full text (file, 811,28 KB) |
2. Analysis of biogenic amines using immunoassays, HPLC, and a newly developed IC-MS/MS technique in fish products—a comparative studyDrago Kočar, Sevim Köse, Serkan Koral, Bekir Tufan, Andrej Ščavničar, Matevž Pompe, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: biogenic amines, IC-MS/MS, HPLC, immunoassays, method comparison, fish products, histamine Full text (file, 1,64 MB) This document has more files! More... |
3. Determination of biogenic amines in fresh fish and processed fish products using IC-MS/MSDrago Kočar, Sevim Köse, Bekir Tufan, Andrej Ščavničar, Matevž Pompe, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: biogenic amines, determination, fish products, histamine, ion chromatography, MS/MS Full text (file, 2,06 MB) This document has more files! More... |
4. Modification of method for the determination of organochlorine pesticides in meat samplesGregor Arh, Simona Fras, Tomaž Polak, Božidar Žlender, Marjan Veber, Matevž Pompe, 2009, original scientific article Keywords: analizne metode, organoklorirani pesticidi, meso, mesni izdelki, organochlorine pesticides, soxhlet extraction, extraction florisil, ECD, meat Full text (outside link) |
6. Complex protein retention shifts with a pressure increaseAnja Kristl, Maja Caf, Matevž Pompe, Aleš Podgornik, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: ion exchange, protein retention, high pressure, partial molar volume change, UHPLC, adsorption, peptides and proteins, phase transitions, phosphates Full text (file, 3,12 MB) This document has more files! More... |