1. Priprava rekombinantnega katepsina B v E. coli in inhibicija njegove aktivnosti z nizkomolekularnimi inhibitorjiMaja Štalekar, 2010, undergraduate thesis Keywords: katepsin B, prokatepsin B, cisteinska proteaza, heterologno izražanje, rekombinantni protein, Escherichia coli, nizkomolekularni inhibitor, inhibicija, testiranje inhibicije Full text (file, 852,65 KB) |
2. Upregulation of cathepsin X in glioblastomaBernarda Majc, Anamarija Habič, Metka Novak, Ana Rotter, Andrej Porčnik, Jernej Mlakar, Vera Župunski, Urša Pečar Fonović, Damijan Knez, Nace Zidar, Stanislav Gobec, Janko Kos, Tamara Lah Turnšek, Anja Pišlar, Barbara Breznik, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: glioblastoma, cathepsin X, γ-enolase, tumor microenvironment, glioblastoma stem cells, cathepsin X inhibitors Full text (file, 3,50 MB) This document has more files! More... |
9. Evaluation of novel cathepsin-X inhibitors in vitro and in vivo and their ability to improve cathepsin-B-directed antitumor therapyAna Mitrović, Janja Završnik, Georgy Mikhaylov, Damijan Knez, Urša Pečar Fonović, Petra Matjan-Štefin, Miha Butinar, Stanislav Gobec, Boris Turk, Janko Kos, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: cathepsin X, cathepsin B, inhibitors, cancer, antitumor therapy, invasion Full text (file, 8,24 MB) This document has more files! More... |
10. Compensational role between cathepsinsUrša Pečar Fonović, Janko Kos, Ana Mitrović, 2024, review article Keywords: lysosomal peptidases, compensation, bone resorption, cancer, inflammation, neurodegeneration Full text (file, 1004,70 KB) This document has more files! More... |