1. Laser-engineered microcavity surfaces with a nanoscale superhydrophobic coating for extreme boiling performanceMatic Može, Matej Senegačnik, Peter Gregorčič, Matej Hočevar, Matevž Zupančič, Iztok Golobič, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: surface functionalization, laser surface engineering, hydrophobic surfaces, pool boiling, nucleate boiling, laser structuring Full text (file, 24,01 MB) This document has more files! More... |
3. Effect of surface wettability on dynamic behaviors and freezing mechanisms of water droplets impacting cold surfacesYuheng Shang, Matic Može, Yunus Tansu Aksoy, Sylvie Castagne, David Seveno, Iztok Golobič, Maria Rosaria Vetrano, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: phase transitions, heat transfer, infrared imaging, ultrahydrophobicity, gas liquid interfaces, hydrophobic effect, fluid dynamics, droplet rebound, droplet freezing, superhydrophobicity Full text (file, 2,17 MB) This document has more files! More... |
4. A review of crystallization fouling in heat exchangersJure Berce, Matevž Zupančič, Matic Može, Iztok Golobič, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: heat exchanger, fouling, energy efficiency, crystallization, fouling modelling, fouling mitigation Full text (file, 3,51 MB) This document has more files! More... |
5. Saturated and subcooled pool boiling heat transfer in mixtures of water and glycerinViktor Vajc, Matic Može, Armin Hadžić, Radek Šulc, Iztok Golobič, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: heat transfer, pool boiling, saturated boiling, subcooled boiling, heat transfer coefficient, water–glycerin mixture, nickel-plated surface Full text (file, 1,89 MB) This document has more files! More... |
6. Current status and review of waste-to-biogas conversion for selected European countries and worldwideMatevž Zupančič, Valerija Možic, Matic Može, Franc Cimerman, Iztok Golobič, 2022, review article Keywords: waste, biogas, methanation, waste-to-biogas, waste-to-energy, gas separation Full text (file, 1,77 MB) This document has more files! More... |
8. Predicting the drop size passing through a superhydrophobic orificeSamo Jereb, Matevž Zupančič, Matic Može, Iztok Golobič, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: superhydrophobic surface, droplet size separation, theoretical model, orifice Full text (file, 1,62 MB) This document has more files! More... |
9. Nanosecond laser texturing of uniformly and non-uniformly wettable micro structured metal surfaces for enhanced boiling heat transferMatevž Zupančič, Matic Može, Peter Gregorčič, Iztok Golobič, 2017, original scientific article Keywords: nanosecond lasers, surface texturing, non-uniform wettability, microcavities, nucleation criteria, enhanced boiling heat transfer Full text (file, 398,25 KB) This document has more files! More... |