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1. Proposal for measuring the finite-temperature Drude weight of integrable systems Christoph Karrasch, Tomaž Prosen, Fabian Heidrich-Meisner, 2017, original scientific article Keywords: quantum mechanics |
2. Lower bounding diffusion constant by the curvature of Drude weight Marko Medenjak, Christoph Karrasch, Tomaž Prosen, 2017, original scientific article Keywords: statistical physics |
3. Finite-temperature transport in one-dimensional quantum lattice models Bruno Bertini, Fabian Heidrich-Meisner, Christoph Karrasch, Tomaž Prosen, R. Steinigeweg, Marko Žnidarič, 2021, review article Keywords: condensed matter physics, quantum mechanics, quantum transport |