Ključne besede: Alexander Wendt, učinek opazovalca, evolucija sodelovanjaCelotno besedilo (povezava drugam)
Ključne besede: international relations, theory of international relations, Alexander Wendt, constructivism, materialism, idealism, statismCelotno besedilo (datoteka, 218,19 KB)
Ključne besede: international relations, theory of international relations, scientific realism, social constructivism, methodological positivism, statism, Alexander WendtCelotno besedilo (datoteka, 227,62 KB)
Ključne besede: international relations, international politics, theory of international relations, hermeneutics, constructivism, positivism, political communities, structural change, Alexander WendtCelotno besedilo (datoteka, 181,10 KB)
Ključne besede: Alexander Wendt, diplomacy, constructivism, legitimacy, power ideas, progress in politics, progress in scienceCelotno besedilo (datoteka, 213,66 KB)
Ključne besede: Alexander Wendt, English School, constructivism, international anarchy, international co-operation, agent-strucrure relations, theory of international relationsCelotno besedilo (datoteka, 200,19 KB)