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1. Objektno usmerjena klasifikacija za določanje drevesnih vrst in zaznavanje japonskega dresnika Nataša Đurić, 2011, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, diplomska dela, objektno usmerjena klasifikacija, drevesne vrste, japonski dresnik, preizkus Kolmogorova in Smirnova, WorldView-2, LIDAR |
2. The importance of the Jewishness of Jesus for interpreting the Gospels Ervin Budiselić, 2021, review article Keywords: Jewishness of Jesus, context, worldview, hermeneutics, "the rock", the "Lord's Prayer" |
3. The dialogue between religious educational tradition and scientific pedagogy of morality Andrey V. Korzhuev, 2020, review article Keywords: moral reflection, scientific pedagogy, religious tradition of worldview, authoritarian conscience, tolerance, logic of similarities and differences |